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Creating, editing and deleting templates

Templates are used to create and contain layouts in the Rails Builder.

Creating a default template

NAGRA recommends that you first create a default template with all destinations (devices) configured, which can be used as a fallback as required. This will avoid the possibility of gaps in a schedule resulting in no layouts being delivered to a user or no layouts matching specific filters specified by the user. 

Where scheduling is not required, to avoid the complexity of building schedules, NAGRA recommends creating a single default layout. 

To create the default template:

  1. On the Rails Builder page, click the CREATE YOUR FIRST TEMPLATE... button
  2. On the Create New Template page, select the required locale, and enter a name and title for the template.
  3. Enter a name and title for the first layout, which will be created automatically.
  4. Select the devices for the first layout. NAGRA recommends selecting the All Destinations option.
  5. Select whether the default image orientation for rails in the layouts is landscape or portrait format.
  6. If required, you can specify Additional Properties for the layout created from the template. Click ADD PROPERTY and enter your custom Key/Value pairs.
  7. Click the CREATE TEMPLATE button to save the template.
Template NameEnter a name for the template
Template TitleEnter an optional title for the template. You can add different titles for different geographical locations.
Layout NameEnter a name for the first layout which will be created automatically in the template.
Layout TitleEnter an optional title for the first layout. You can add different titles for different geographical locations.
Layout Destination SelectionSelect the destination(s) on which the first layout should appear.
Default Rail Layout 

Select whether the default image orientation for rails in the layouts is landscape or portrait format. This setting can be overridden in the settings for each rail.

Additional Properties

These enable you to apply additional formatting to templates per your organization's requirements.

Key/Value pairs are created by clients and are not controlled by NAGRA. 

The new template should now be added to the list of templates, with a blank layout as the default. You can now:

Creating additional templates

To create additional templates:

  1. In the Templates panel on the Rails Builder page, click ADD NEW.
  2. On the Create New Template page, select the required locale, and referring to the table above, enter and select the required details.
  3. If required, you can specify Additional Properties for the layout created from the template. Click ADD PROPERTY and enter your custom Key/Value pairs.
  4. Click the CREATE TEMPLATE button to save the template.

Creating child templates

You can reparent templates using the handles  to build nested page structures. Alternatively, to create child templates:

  1. From the relevant template  menu, select Create Child Template.
  2. On the Create New Template page, select the required locale, and referring to the table above, enter and select the required details.
  3. Click the CREATE TEMPLATE button to save the template.

Editing template properties

To view a template's properties, on the Rails Builder page, select View Template Properties from the template  menu.

To edit template properties:

  1. On the Rails Builder page, select Edit Template Properties from the template  menu.
  2. On the Edit Template page, change the locale, Template Name and Template Title as required.

  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the changes.

Only the template locale, name and title can be edited; any other changes are made in the relevant layout. 

Deleting templates

To update template properties:

  1.  From the template  menu, select Delete Template .
  2. A confirmation message is displayed; click the DELETE TEMPLATE button.
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