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Content targeting

Content targeting restricts subscribers access to content and enables you to:

  • Vary content by region.
  • Make content only available to customers who have taken out subscriptions from a registered address in a specified locale.
  • Conform with licensing terms on specific content.

Content targeting has to be applied at the platform level and also on the:

  • Live channel
  • Live event
  • VOD content

The subscriber is validated by their billing address at platform level and then by Content targeting groups at the channel/event/content levels.

At other levels, content targeting is validated by Geographical Details.

Geofiltering and geoblocking at platform level can be overridden for individual subscribers.

VPN blocking

This prevents access to the content over VPNs. Content will be blocked if access is attempted via VPN. 


Geoblocking prohibits subscribers from playing events or content in a different location (although they may be able to see the listing). When applied at platform level, geoblocking will prevent subscribers from logging-in based on their geographical location.

Geoblocking scenarios

RestrictedN/AN/AGeoblocking applied at platform level. Subscribers would not be able to login to the system.
Geoblocking disabledN/AN/ANo geoblocking applied. Subscribers would be able to see and play the channels and events and content anywhere.
AllowedN/AAllowedNo geoblocking applied. Subscribers would be able to see and play the content anywhere.

Geoblocking applied at content level. Subscribers might be able to see the content item but would not be able to play it. 

AllowedAllowedAllowedNo geoblocking applied. Subscribers would be able to see and play the channels and events anywhere.
AllowedRestrictedN/AGeoblocking applied at channel level. Subscribers might be able to see the channel but would not be able to play any events on it.
AllowedAllowedRestricted*No geoblocking applied. Subscribers would be able to see and play the channels and events anywhere.
*Events associated with a channel inherit the channel geoblocking configuration which takes precedence. If you set an event to restricted where the channel is allowed, the event would actually be allowed.


Geofiltering removes channels, events and content from the screen for subscribers in a different location. 
Non-location based content targeting groups can also be configured, see Content targeting groups - Custom details.

Geofiltering scenarios

RestrictedN/AN/AGeofiltered applied at platform level. Channels or events not displayed to subscriber.
Geofiltering disabledN/AN/ANo geofiltering applied. All channels, events and content would be displayed to subscribers.
AllowedN/AAllowedNo geofiltering applied. All content would be displayed to subscribers.
AllowedAllowedRestrictedGeofiltering applied at content level. The content item will not be displayed. 
Allowed AllowedAllowedNo geofiltering. All channels and events would be displayed to subscribers.
AllowedRestrictedN/AGeofiltered at channel level. Channel would not be displayed to subscribers (or any events regardless of the setting).
AllowedAllowedRestricted*No geofiltering. All channels and events would be displayed to subscribers.
*Events associated with a channel inherit the channel geofiltering configuration which takes precedence. If you set an event to restricted where the channel is allowed, the event would actually be allowed.
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