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Content targeting groups

You can configure lists of countries for content targeting as Enabled or Restricted.

  • Locations added to an Enabled list can access the content; countries not on the list are blocked.
  • Locations added to a Restricted list are blocked from accessing the content; countries not on the list would be able to access the content.
  • If either an Enabled or Restricted list is empty, no blocking is performed, and content is available in all countries.
  • A custom option enables you to create additional criteria for content targeting.

Lists of content targeting locations can be created containing:

  • Countries
  • Cities
  • Designated Market Areas (DMAs)
  • Custom details

For example, you may want content to be available in a certain country, but restrict it in certain cities. So you might:

  • Add the country to an Enabled list at platform level to give general coverage to the country.
  • Add content items to a Restricted list for cities to prohibit access in those cities.

Creating location groups

To create a location group:

  1. On the System Configuration page, select Location Groups and click ADD LOCATION GROUP .

  2. Enter a name for the new location group and choose whether it is to be a restricted or enabled location.

  3. Select the countries, cities, designated market areas and custom locations to be included in the group and click the CREATE LOCATION GROUP button.

You cannot edit or delete a location group. You can add individual locations by creating a Custom group, see Assigning locations and location groups.

Custom details

This provides greater flexibility for content targeting. For example, you can allow or restrict access to channels, events or content:

  • Geographically by postcode (zipcode) or neighbourhood.
  • Non-geographically for subscribers using account profiles.

Geographic example (restricting)

Instead of restricting content by city as described above, you might want to restrict it to specific areas of a city.  

  • Add the country to an Enabled list at platform level to give general coverage to the country.
  • Add content items to a Restricted list with a postcode or area etc in the custom field

Non-geographic example (enabling)

You could create a bundle of channels, events and content which would be available to certain subscribers anywhere. To do this, you would need to:

  1. Create a content targeting group for an enabled list. On the Custom tab, enter a value for the content e.g. VIP_GOLD_PACK.
  2. Create an account profile; in the Content Targeting Filter field, enter VIP_GOLD_PACK 
  3. Apply the account profile to the relevant subscribers' accounts.
  4. For each channel, event and content item, select the content targeting group.

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