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Managing purchases


OpenTV Video Platform supports:

  • Client-based purchases – the ability for a user to initiate the purchase of a product directly from a client application
  • Device-specific purchases – the ability to limit the consumption of purchased content to:
    • The device on which it was purchased, or
    • A particular class of device (for example, only mobile devices)

These are described in detail in the following sections.

Client-based purchases

OpenTV Video Platform's Purchase Service enables a client application to initiate the purchase of a product. It handles the client request and:

  1. Calls the operator's CRM to inform it about the purchase and to get authorisation.
  2. If the CRM authorises the request, it returns an approved or denied response. Optionally, this can include a request ID (purchaseAuthRequestReference) that the client app can use in the approved/denied message that it displays to the user.

    If the CRM does not supply a purchaseAuthRequestReference, the Purchase Service uses the x-correlation-id from the initial call.

  3. The Purchase Service responds to the client request with a success response.
  4. When the purchase is complete, the Purchase Service notifies the CRM.

This following pages explain:

Device-specific purchases

OpenTV Video Platform supports device-specific products – that is, the ability to:

  • Specify that a product purchased on a device may only be consumed on that device, or
  • Specify that a particular product can only be consumed on particular classes of device (for example, only on mobile devices)

To enable device-specific products:

  • See Device specific products (in OpCon) for an explanation of how to:
    • Enable or disable this functionality.
    • Define device classes.
  • See Products (in OpCon) for details of how to configure a product so that it can only be consumed on devices of a particular class.
  • Managing entitlements for instructions on how to add a device-specific or device class-specific entitlement.

When an open device signs into the platform for the first time, it can specify a playoutDeviceClass in the deviceInformation section of the request body. (See Authentication token and First time and n-th time sign on.)

For device-specific purchases to work correctly, the playoutDeviceClass that the client supplies at first sign-on must match the device classes that you add in OpCon (above).

For example, if your open device clients report a playoutDeviceClass of mobileDevice, you should add mobileDevice as a device class in OpCon's Platform > Device Specific Products > Device Class screen. See Device specific products.

See also


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