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Implementing the purchase endpoint


The Purchase Service will send a POST request to the isPurchaseAuthorised endpoint:



  • x-correlation-id – identifier for correlating messages across the call flow
  • Authorization – authorisation token. This is a Keycloak token that the CRM should validate using the method agreed during integration/deployment.

Mandatory arguments

All of the following arguments are in the body of the request:

  • account_id – the ID of the account under which the purchase is being made
  • product_id – the ID of the product being purchased

Other arguments

All of the following arguments are in the body of the request:

  • device_id – the ID of the device from which the purchase is being made

    If device-specific products are enabled (see Device specific products), specifying a device ID here ensures that the product can only be consumed/used on the device that it was purchased from.

  • device_playout_class – the class of device that the purchased product will be consumed on
  • viewing_window_start – the date/time at which the product will be available for consumption (in UNIX epoch time)
  • viewing_window_end – the date/time at which the product will no longer be available for consumption (in UNIX epoch time)


A POST request with this payload requests authorisation from the CRM for the specified product for the specified account:

  "account_id": "ACC_123456",
  "device_id": "DEV_123456",
  "device_playout_class": "OPEN",
  "product_id": "PROD_123456",
  "viewing_window_start": 1641579014,
  "viewing_window_end": 1641645414


A successful request should return an HTTP 201 status. The body should contain a purchaseAuthRequestReference.

A bad request should return an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request should return an HTTP 401 status.

A forbidden request should return an HTTP 403 status.

The response should include the same x-correlation-id header that it received in the request.

See the Third-party CRM purchase authorisation API documentation for full details of the expected responses.


A success request should return a response that looks like this:

  "purchaseAuthRequestReference": "CRM_PARTNER_AUTH_REQUEST_REFERENCE_001"

See also

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