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Image ingest


The ImageService provides a way for client applications to request images to display in their UI to represent content, channels, people, and so on. It comprises an API for client applications to retrieve the available images and APIs for uploading certain fallback and default images.

You can also upload fallback and default images in OpCon. See Image Handling.

This section explains how ingest images that can be used by the ImageService. For client integration details, see the  images section  of the client integration guide.

Ingest process

In general, metadata ingest works as shown in the following diagram:

There are two options:

  • You ingest XML containing metadata for various entities, along with image details for each entity, into the Content Importer (CIM-NIS – the CIM variant that supports the NAGRA Import Specification). The Metadata Aggregation Service (MAS) (an internal service) then routes the metadata as follows:
    • EPG metadata goes to CPM.
    • Image metadata goes to the ImageService.
    • Cast and crew metadata goes to the Cast, Crew, and Persona service (CCP).
  • Alternatively use one of the content importers created for use with third-party metadata providers (Gracenote, Disney+, SimplyTV, etc.). These retrieve metadata from the content providers and propagate the relevant metadata to CPM, ImageService, and CCP, via MAS.

Recommended image sizes for ION

Resizing images works best when the ingested images are the same size as or larger than the requested images and are of the same aspect ratio.

The image sizes used by ION for each aspect ratio are as follows:

Aspect ratioImage size(s) used by ION
16:9960x540 and 1080x606

See also

In addition to ingesting regular image metadata, you can also  ingest fallback and default images  that are used if no specific images are available.

Once image metadata has been ingested, client applications can  access it and use it to get the images.

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