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Account profiles

You can create account profiles based on devices and sessions. To assign the profile to an account, see Creating accounts.

Creating account profiles

To create an account profile:

  1. On the System Configuration page, select Account Profiles and click ADD PROFILE .

  2. Enter the Profile Name, the number of Maximum Allowed Devices and Maximum Allowed Sessions.
    If unlimited devices or sessions are required, select the relevant checkbox(es).

  3. For content targeting location validation via Account Profile, in the Content Targeting Filter field, enter a name for the filter.
  4. Enter the maximum number of approved devices and number of changes users can make.
  5. Click the CREATE button to save the details.

Editing account profiles

To edit an account profile:

  1. On the System Configuration page, select Edit Account Profile from the 


  2. Update the details as required.

  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the details.

Deleting account profiles

To delete an account profile:

  1. On the System Configuration page, select Delete Account Profile from the 


  2. Update the details as required.

  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the details.

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