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Access roles

Creating access roles

To create a new role:

  1. On the Access Roles list page, click CREATE ACCESS ROLE .

  2. Enter a name and description for the role, and then select the required permissions below.

  3. Click the CREATE ROLE button to save the details.


For each role, permissions are listed for each of the OpCon screens. Some screens are nested under a parent; for example, Catalogue and Workflow are nested under Content. Nested screens can be viewed using the expand  icon at the end of applicable rows). The default setting for all screens is Exclude.

On this tab, select the level of access for the role.

  • Full access provides full ability to create, edit, delete, move etc.
  • Editor permissions provide a lower level of access with limited ability to create, edit, move etc. You can configure additional settings such as delete for some screens via the Restrictions and Additional tabs.
  • Read provides read-only access, i.e. no ability to create, edit, delete, move etc.
  • Exclude removes access to the page completely.
  • Inherit applies to nested screens only and means that nested screens inherit the permission level of the parent. 

You can configure different privileges for different items. For example, you could set Editor permissions for the Dashboard and Read for the Rails builder etc.  

RestrictionsDelete permissions can be configured for the Content Catalogue screen for entities such as Editorial Content, Technical Content and Nodes. The default setting for these values is to disable delete. Additional delete settings must also be configured in the Additional tab if delete support is required; see Restrict Node Delete below.

Node Settings

  • Restrict Node Access
    Restricts all node and content addition, copy and move operations at and above this level in the node hierarchy. The default setting is to allow these operations at any level.
  • Restrict Node Delete
    Restricts the ability to delete nodes at and above this level in the node hierarchy. The default setting is to restrict deletion at any level. Delete support for entity types must also be enabled on the Restrictions tab for this depth-level setting to take effect.

Bulk Copy Settings

  • Enable Copy with Content
    Restricts the ability to copy nodes with associated content links.
  • Max Content
    Sets the maximum number of new content links allowed to be created by a copy with content operation. The copy operation will be blocked if the requested action results in new content links above this limit.

Addition of Content To Nodes Settings

  • Allow addition of new content
    Enables or restricts the ability to add new content to a node.

Assigned Users

Displays the users assigned to the role.
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