Android OpenTV Player SDK
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Package nagra.otv.sdk

Detailed Description

Contains classes enabling playback and control clear/encrypted content, track selection and logging, as well as player event listeners.


package  connect
 Handling provisioning, fetching licenses and decryption on Connect PRM enabled devices.
package  drm
 Contains classes concerned with digital rights management: information on a device's supported DRM systems and related security levels, and default implementations of DRM initialization, session management and license acquisition for encrypted DASH playback.
package  info
 Gather information about the device the SDK is running on.
package  offline
 Contains classes that enable downloading of content for offline playback.
package  prm
 Contains classes concerned with Nagra Persistent Rights Management (PRM): enabling initialization of Nagra PRM and license acquisition for encrypted HLS playback.
package  statistics
 Contains classes providing statistics concerning the playback of content, and the player event timeline which supports application performance analysis.
package  thumbnail
 Contains classes enabling an application to render DASH thumbnails.
package  utility
 Utility helper classes.
package  watermark
 Contains classes to set up and control watermarks unique to the video content; powered by NexGuard QuickMark.


class  OTVContentType
 Content types supported by OTVVideoView/OTVMediaPlayer. More...
class  OTVLog
class  OTVMediaPlayer
interface  OTVMetadataListener
 Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when the metadata are changed. More...
class  OTVPlayerConfiguration
 OTVPlayerConfiguration class is used to configure the playback of audio/video files and streams. More...
class  OTVSDK
class  OTVTrackInfo
class  OTVVideoView