Android OpenTV Player SDK
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 |\NagentContains utility classes necessary for declaring player metrics
 | oNutilsContains utility classes necessary for declaring player metrics
 | |oCContentInfoHolderRepresentation of the metadata for a single content item
 | |
 | |\CUserInfoHolderRepresentation of the metadata for a user/subscriber
 | \CAgentWrapper for the new Insight Android agent
  oNsdkContains classes enabling playback and control clear/encrypted content, track selection and logging, as well as player event listeners
  |oNconnectHandling provisioning, fetching licenses and decryption on Connect PRM enabled devices
  ||oCOTVConnectLicensePreDeliveryThe class that supports license pre-delivery with Nagra Connect DRM
  ||oCOTVConnectLicensePreDeliveryListenerAn interface to notify Application if fetching pre-delivery license is successful
  ||oCOTVConnectManagerThe class that supports playbacks with Nagra Connect DRM
  ||oCOTVConnectMediaDrmCallbackThe default implementation of OTVCommonMediaDrmCallback for handling Connect PRM- encrypted content on devices with Connect PRM (Hardware PRM) support in the hardware
  ||\COTVConnectProvisionListenerAn interface to notify Application if Provisioning Connect DRM is successful
  |oNdrmContains classes concerned with digital rights management: information on a device's supported DRM systems and related security levels, and default implementations of DRM initialization, session management and license acquisition for encrypted DASH playback
  ||oCOTVCommonMediaDrmCallbackA convenience base class implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback
  ||oCOTVDRMOTVDRM class used to find information about supported DRM systems and their security levels and to select preferred
  ||oCOTVDrmInfoOTVDrmInfo class represents the capability and security level for a DRM key system and content type
  ||oCOTVDrmSecurityLevelOTVDrmSecurityLevel represents the rated security provided by the platform for different DRM
  ||oCOTVHttpMediaDrmCallbackThe default implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback
  ||oCOTVMediaDrmCallbackAn interface defining the methods Integrators must implement to facilitate Widevine, PlayReady or Connect decryption licensing
  ||\COTVSSMHttpMediaDrmCallbackAn implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback to support SSM Server - Nagra's Secure Service Platform (SSP) with Session Management enabled
  ||\CCaptionStyleCompatA compatibility wrapper for CaptionStyle
  |oNinfoGather information about the device the SDK is running on
  ||\COTVDeviceConnectDetectorA class for detecting external output device connect or disconnect
  |oNofflineContains classes that enable downloading of content for offline playback
  |oNprmContains classes concerned with Nagra Persistent Rights Management (PRM): enabling initialization of Nagra PRM and license acquisition for encrypted HLS playback
  ||oCOTVPAKReadyListenerAn interface to notify Application if PAK client is ready to fetch license for PRM encrypted stream playback
  ||oCOTVPRMExceptionThrown when fetch prm license failed or license is expired, license is invalid
  ||oCOTVPRMManagerThe class that supports playbacks using PRM
  ||oCOTVPRMNonSilentCallbackAn interface defining the methods integrators must implement to facilitate PRM decryption licensing
  ||oCOTVPRMSessionEventListenerAn interface to notify Application if fetch license failure or license expired for PRM encrypted stream playback
  ||\COTVSSPPRMNonSilentCallbackA default implementation of OTVPRMNonSilentCallback to support SSP Server
  |oNstatisticsContains classes providing statistics concerning the playback of content, and the player event timeline which supports application performance analysis
  |oNthumbnailContains classes enabling an application to render DASH thumbnails
  |oNutilityUtility helper classes
  ||\CMpdParserA helper class to extract information from the contents of a DASH MPD manifest file
  |oNwatermarkContains classes to set up and control watermarks unique to the video content; powered by NexGuard QuickMark
  ||oCWatermarkProvides an interface to set up and control a unique watermark on the playback content, powered by the NexGuard-QuickMark SDK
  ||oCWatermarkErrorIdWatermark error enumerator used for identifying error codes on invalid QuickMark values
  ||oCWatermarkErrorListenerReports errors when invalid url, token and tenants are supplied to the QuickMark SDK or there is no server response
  ||\CWatermarkMessageListenerReports the messages from the QuickMark SDK
  |oCOTVContentTypeContent types supported by OTVVideoView/OTVMediaPlayer
  |oCOTVMetadataListenerInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when the metadata are changed
  |oCOTVPlayerConfigurationOTVPlayerConfiguration class is used to configure the playback of audio/video files and streams
  ||oCBuilderBuilds OTVPlayerConfiguration instances
  ||oCOTVAbrConfigurationConfiguration class for adaptive track selector
  ||oCOTVBufferingControlConfigurationConfiguration class for BufferingControl
  ||oCOTVDashLiveStartConfigurationConfiguration class for DashLiveStart
  ||oCOTVExperimentalConfigurationConfiguration class for experimental features, and will be renamed or removed in future release
  ||oCOTVHlsLiveStartConfigurationConfiguration class for HlsLiveStart
  ||oCOTVHttpDataSourceConfigurationConfiguration class for HttpDataSource
  ||oCOTVLiveConfigurationConfiguration class for Live
  ||oCOTVLivePlaybackSpeedControlConfiguration class for live playback speed control
  ||\COTVTrackSelectorConfigurationConfiguration class for TrackSelector
  | \COnScalingModeChangedListenerInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when scale mode are changed
  \NupiContains classes enabling playback and control clear/encrypted content, track selection and logging, as well as player event listeners
   oCIOTVUPIEventListenerInterface definition of callbacks when events occur
   |oCNaturalSizeMedia size dimensions in onLoad events
   |\CTrackInfoTrack information for onTracksChanged events
   oCIOTVUPIPlayerThis interface defines the interface of a player
   oCOTVUPIErrorClass for OTV UPI errors
   |\CDetailsAndroid error codes
   oCOTVUPIEventListenerA convenience base class implementation of IOTVUPIEventListener
   oCOTVUPIPlayerFactoryOTVUPIPlayerFactory to create OTVUPIPlayer instance
   \COTVUPISourceOTVUPISource class with playback information
    oCDrmDRM Server information
    \CTextTrackExternal text tracks information