nagra | |
  insight | |
   agent | Contains utility classes necessary for declaring player metrics |
    utils | Contains utility classes necessary for declaring player metrics |
     ContentInfoHolder | Representation of the metadata for a single content item |
     IJSONSerializable | IJSONSerializable.java |
     UserInfoHolder | Representation of the metadata for a user/subscriber |
    Agent | Wrapper for the new Insight Android agent |
  otv | |
   sdk | Contains classes enabling playback and control clear/encrypted content, track selection and logging, as well as player event listeners |
    connect | Handling provisioning, fetching licenses and decryption on Connect PRM enabled devices |
     OTVConnectLicensePreDelivery | The class that supports license pre-delivery with Nagra Connect DRM |
     OTVConnectLicensePreDeliveryListener | An interface to notify Application if fetching pre-delivery license is successful |
     OTVConnectManager | The class that supports playbacks with Nagra Connect DRM |
     OTVConnectMediaDrmCallback | The default implementation of OTVCommonMediaDrmCallback for handling Connect PRM- encrypted content on devices with Connect PRM (Hardware PRM) support in the hardware |
     OTVConnectProvisionListener | An interface to notify Application if Provisioning Connect DRM is successful |
    drm | Contains classes concerned with digital rights management: information on a device's supported DRM systems and related security levels, and default implementations of DRM initialization, session management and license acquisition for encrypted DASH playback |
     OTVCommonMediaDrmCallback | A convenience base class implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback |
     OTVDRM | OTVDRM class used to find information about supported DRM systems and their security levels and to select preferred |
     OTVDrmInfo | OTVDrmInfo class represents the capability and security level for a DRM key system and content type |
     OTVDrmSecurityLevel | OTVDrmSecurityLevel represents the rated security provided by the platform for different DRM |
     OTVHttpMediaDrmCallback | The default implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback |
     OTVMediaDrmCallback | An interface defining the methods Integrators must implement to facilitate Widevine, PlayReady or Connect decryption licensing |
     OTVSSMHttpMediaDrmCallback | An implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback to support SSM Server - Nagra's Secure Service Platform (SSP) with Session Management enabled |
    ext | |
     CaptionStyleCompat | A compatibility wrapper for CaptionStyle |
      EdgeType | The type of edge, which may be none |
    info | Gather information about the device the SDK is running on |
     Device | |
     DeviceCPU | |
     DeviceGPU | |
     DeviceHardware | |
     DeviceOS | |
     DeviceScreen | |
    oc | |
     OTVDeviceConnectDetector | A class for detecting external output device connect or disconnect |
      OTVDeviceConnectListener | Listener for events from connect detector |
    offline | Contains classes that enable downloading of content for offline playback |
     OTVDownloadAsset | |
     OTVDownloadError | |
     OTVDownloadItem | |
     OTVDownloadListener | |
     OTVDownloadManager | |
     OTVDownloadMediaInfo | |
     OTVDownloadState | |
    prm | Contains classes concerned with Nagra Persistent Rights Management (PRM): enabling initialization of Nagra PRM and license acquisition for encrypted HLS playback |
     OTVPAKReadyListener | An interface to notify Application if PAK client is ready to fetch license for PRM encrypted stream playback |
     OTVPRMException | Thrown when fetch prm license failed or license is expired, license is invalid |
     OTVPRMManager | The class that supports playbacks using PRM |
     OTVPRMNonSilentCallback | An interface defining the methods integrators must implement to facilitate PRM decryption licensing |
     OTVPRMSessionEventListener | An interface to notify Application if fetch license failure or license expired for PRM encrypted stream playback |
     OTVSSPPRMNonSilentCallback | A default implementation of OTVPRMNonSilentCallback to support SSP Server |
    statistics | Contains classes providing statistics concerning the playback of content, and the player event timeline which supports application performance analysis |
     OTVEvent | |
     OTVEventTimeline | |
     OTVNetworkStatistics | |
      AdaptiveStreaming | Provides statistics on the adaptive streaming protocol |
      ContentServer | Provides statistics on the content server the player is connected to |
      NetworkUsage | Provides statistics on the usage of the network by the player |
     OTVNetworkStatisticsListener | |
     OTVPlaybackStatistics | |
     OTVPlaybackStatisticsListener | |
     OTVRenderingStatistics | |
     OTVTimelineAnalyzer | |
    thumbnail | Contains classes enabling an application to render DASH thumbnails |
    utility | Utility helper classes |
     MpdParser | A helper class to extract information from the contents of a DASH MPD manifest file |
      MpdDownloadListener | A listener interface for results taken on an MPD downloaded from a URL |
    watermark | Contains classes to set up and control watermarks unique to the video content; powered by NexGuard QuickMark |
     Watermark | Provides an interface to set up and control a unique watermark on the playback content, powered by the NexGuard-QuickMark SDK |
     WatermarkErrorId | Watermark error enumerator used for identifying error codes on invalid QuickMark values |
     WatermarkErrorListener | Reports errors when invalid url, token and tenants are supplied to the QuickMark SDK or there is no server response |
     WatermarkMessageListener | Reports the messages from the QuickMark SDK |
    OTVContentType | Content types supported by OTVVideoView/OTVMediaPlayer |
    OTVLog | |
    OTVMediaPlayer | |
    OTVMetadataListener | Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when the metadata are changed |
    OTVPlayerConfiguration | OTVPlayerConfiguration class is used to configure the playback of audio/video files and streams |
     Builder | Builds OTVPlayerConfiguration instances |
     OTVAbrConfiguration | Configuration class for adaptive track selector |
     OTVBufferingControlConfiguration | Configuration class for BufferingControl |
     OTVDashLiveStartConfiguration | Configuration class for DashLiveStart |
     OTVExperimentalConfiguration | Configuration class for experimental features, and will be renamed or removed in future release |
     OTVHlsLiveStartConfiguration | Configuration class for HlsLiveStart |
     OTVHttpDataSourceConfiguration | Configuration class for HttpDataSource |
     OTVLiveConfiguration | Configuration class for Live |
     OTVLivePlaybackSpeedControl | Configuration class for live playback speed control |
     OTVTrackSelectorConfiguration | Configuration class for TrackSelector |
    OTVSDK | |
    OTVTrackInfo | |
    OTVVideoView | |
     OnScalingModeChangedListener | Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when scale mode are changed |
   upi | Contains classes enabling playback and control clear/encrypted content, track selection and logging, as well as player event listeners |
    IOTVUPIEventListener | Interface definition of callbacks when events occur |
     NaturalSize | Media size dimensions in onLoad events |
     TrackInfo | Track information for onTracksChanged events |
    IOTVUPIPlayer | This interface defines the interface of a player |
    OTVUPIError | Class for OTV UPI errors |
     Details | Android error codes |
    OTVUPIEventListener | A convenience base class implementation of IOTVUPIEventListener |
    OTVUPIPlayerFactory | OTVUPIPlayerFactory to create OTVUPIPlayer instance |
    OTVUPISource | OTVUPISource class with playback information |
     Drm | DRM Server information |
     TextTrack | External text tracks information |