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Running and cancelling workflows

Workflows can be scheduled or cancelled from either the menu on the Workflow page or the banner on the workflow details page.

Scheduling workflows

Workflows are added to the Workflow page automatically to run at the default time. To change the scheduled date and time for the workflow to run:

  1. On the Workflow page, select Reschedule Workflow  from the relevant  menu, or on the workflow details page click RESCHEDULE WORKFLOW.

  2. In the scheduler window, select the date and time for the workflow to run and click the SCHEDULE WORKFLOW button.

Re-running failed workflows

The system will attempt to rerun failed workflows a specific number of times. You can choose to rerun or reschedule failed workflows.

To re-run a failed workflow, click RETRY NOW or to reschedule the workflow click RETRY LATER... . Alternatively, on the Workflow page, select Retry Workflow  from the relevant  menu.

Cancelling workflows

You cannot cancel active workflows; you can only cancel workflows that are scheduled to run.

To cancel a workflow, on the Workflow page, select Cancel  from the relevant  menu, or on the workflow details page click CANCEL WORKFLOW.

Re-running workflows (Redo)

You can also re-run workflows for content items which have not failed.

To re-run a workflow:

  1. On the Workflow page, click the Content tab
  2. Locate the required content item, click the relevant  menu and select Redo workflow.
  3. A confirmation message is displayed, to continue, click the REDO button.

A confirmation message will be displayed in the banner.

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