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Retrieving events for an EPG window – pre-defined queries

Using pre-defined queries

To retrieve events for an EPG window, use the pre-defined query API, which both abstracts away the complexity of the underlying data model and provides for the most performant query.

This API allows the user to:

  • Get a slice of EPG across all channels using a default time period 

  • Get a slice of EPG across all channels using time period

  • Get a slice of EPG across all channels using time offset

  • Get a slice of EPG for a specific channel (bbc_one)


To retrieve events for an EPG window, either for a default time period, or by using other parameters, send a GET request to:



  • Authorization: Bearer – bearer token
  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments


Other arguments

All these arguments are query parameters:

  • from – the lower bound (time) from which we want programmes either specified in ISO8601 format, or as a time offset (e.g. +08:00 or -08:00)
  • to – the upper bound (time) to which we want programmes either specified in ISO8601 format, or as a time offset (e.g. +08:00 or -08:00)
  • channel – a specific channel ID
  • fields – a list of fields names to return in the response
  • page – the page of results to retrieve
  • limit – the page size
  • Accept-Language – the language (locale) of the response data


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 404 status.


Retrieving events for a defined EPG window, for a specific channel,  returning a specified field:


See also

The Content discovery facade API documentation

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