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All API calls made for metadata require an access token which is acquired during authentication process.

Editorial and technical metadata

Endpoints serving metadata


OTT metadata
  • btv/programmes (includes editorial and technical)
  • btv/services
  • btv/series
  • btv/products
On demand metadata
  • vod/editorials
  • vod/nodes
  • vod/series
  • vod/products
  • IHS - ihs/v1


  • MDS - Access token provided with REST API


  • Content-Encoding: gzip

Version management

  • All apps check the version at boot up to pull metadata from MDS.
  • HTTP cache headers in response set to 10 mins by default, trigger the native cache mechanisms.
  • Ingest and Opcon metadata updates reflect after cache time in respective apps or immediately in desktop (not assumed to be data charges sensitive)

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