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Registering the STCU parent node with business rules


To register the new parent STCU node with the business rules, send a PUT request to:

http://<host>:<port>/businessConfig/admin/v1/businessRuleInstances/CPM/ editorial contents metadata for CU


  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory fields

  • agendaGroup – must be BusinessRules
  • parameterSet.StcuParentNodeId


A request with this payload registers the STCU parent node with the business rules:

   "agendaGroup": "BusinessRules",
   "parameterSet": {
      "StcuParentNodeId": "STCUParentNodeId"

Here, STCUParentNodeId is the ID of the node that you already created.


A successful request returns an HTTP 201 status (or 200 if the specified business rule instance already exists).


The payload of a response to a successful request looks like this:

  "moduleName": "CPM",
  "businessRuleName": "Update editorial contents metadata for CU",
  "businessRulePackageName": ""

See also 

For full details of this API, see the Business Configuration Manager (BCM) API documentation: core.

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