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NPVR quotas

This enables you to create profiles for the amount of recording time users can hold. 

Creating NPVR quota profiles

Use this to create an NPVR quota profile.

  1. On the System Configuration page, select NPVR Quota and click ADD NEW .
  2. Referring to the table below, enter the relevant details and click the SAVE CHANGES button.
NameEnter a name for the quota profile
Quota NumberEnter the size of the profile in seconds
Auto DeleteAutomatically delete user recordings based on age or episodes  
Retention PeriodEnter the duration for user recordings to be available

Enabling and disabling NVPR quota profiles

 Use this to enable or disable an NVPR quota profile.

  1. In the relevant row, select Edit Properties... from the 
  2.  Click the Status toggle switch to ON or OFF as appropriate and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Editing NVPR quota profiles

 Use this to edit an NVPR quota profile.

  1. In the relevant row, select Edit Properties... from the 
  2. Referring to the table above, edit the relevant details and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Deleting NVPR quota profiles

 Use this to edit an NVPR quota profile.

  1. In the relevant row, select  Delete Quota... from the 
  2. A warning message page is displayed; click the DELETE button to confirm the deletion.
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