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Metadata ingest format – technical-based

The following tables list the elements that can be used in an XML ingest file when using the technical-based model. The table structure indicates the nesting of the elements.

Where appropriate, on the right side of the table are the corresponding fields in MDS, CCP, and IHS that are populated with the data. Note that all data is stored by CPM.



Mandatory for ingest, optional or not used for ION

Mandatory for ION, optional for ingest

Mandatory for both ingest and ION

Optional for ingest and optional or not used for ION

If an element or attribute is marked as mandatory, this means that it is mandatory at the level at which it appears. For example, within contentGroup, metadataSet is optional, but if it is present, it must have a locale attribute.
For ION, the meanings of the non-mandatory values are as follows:

  • Not used means that ION does not use the field at all.
  • Optional means that ION uses (displays) the field, but if it does not have a value, it does not break anything.

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionION

Schema root element. Each file supplied to the importer will contain exactly one instance of this element.Not used
xmlns prefix xmlns is used only to declare namespace bindings.Not used
Optional a standard namespace prefix (xsi) for a core namespace used in XSD.Not used
executionDategmtdatetimeMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZProvides a reference execution date for the XML file. Will normally be the date and time that the file's provider generated it.Not used
Xsi:schemaLocation Nagravision-Import-Full-Specification-v5.x.xsdProvide hints to the XML processor as to how to associate an XSD with an XML document.Not used

The corresponding elements are described on the following pages:

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