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External providers

This enables you to add pre-curated content from external providers. See also Adding content on a rail.

Creating external providers

Use this to add a new external provider.

  1. On the System Configuration page select External Providers and click ADD NEW .
  2. Referring to the table below, enter the relevant details and click the SAVE CHANGES button.
NameEnter the name of the external provider.
Data End Point (URL)This is the URL for retrieval of metadata related to a section.
Deep-Link End Point (URL)This is the base URL for creating the deep link; for example, https://deeplink/content/?
List End PointThis is the URL for retrieving the list of pre-curated sections provided by the third party. 
Media Card End PointThis is the base URL for creating the deep link to a media card; for example, https://mediacard/content/? 
UsernameEnter a user name.
PasswordEnter a password.
API KeyEnter the API Key of the external provider.

Editing external providers

Use this to edit an external provider.

  1. Select Edit Properties... from the relevant 
  2. Update the details are required and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Deleting external providers

Use this to delete an external provider.

  1. Select Delete... from the relevant 
  2. A confirmation message is displayed; click the DELETE button.
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