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Creating an STCU profile


To create a new STCU profile, send a POST request to:



  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory fields

  • name
  • _id


A request with this payload creates a new STCU profile:

    "name": "STCU_HLS_1",
    "type": "ShortTermCatchUp",
    "features": "hls",
    "id": "stcu_hls1",
    "timeShifting": {
        "shortTermCatchUpParameters": {
            "destinationDeviceId": "device_id_01"

Note that here:

  • name can be any string. Use a name that will make it easy for you to identify the profile.
  • type must be ShortTermCatchUp.
  • features specifies the encoding (usually hls or dash).
  • id can be any string, but it must be unique within profiles.
  • destinationDeviceId specifies the location where the generated asset will be located. In this case (where there is no separate physical asset), this forms part of the URL used to access the content.


A successful request returns an HTTP 201 status. The response contains the profile ID.

An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 400 status. 


The payload of a response to a successful request looks like this:

  "id": "stcu_hls1"

See also 

For full details of this API, see the Business Configuration Manager (BCM) API documentation: core.

This API can be used to create any type of profile, not just an STCU profile. Most of the parameters listed in the API documentation are not relevant for an STCU profile..
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