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Creating an editorial channel


To create an editorial channel, send a POST request to:



  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

All of the following arguments are part of the request body:

  • Either:
    • id – the ID of the editorial channel, or

      The channel ID can include the following special characters: . + $ _ - ! *

      It cannot include parentheses: ( )

    • Both providerId and providerResourceId
  • name – the channel name

Other arguments

The following arguments (all in the request body) are all optional.

However, they may be required by ION (if you are using it). These are indicated with an asterisk (*).

  • start – resource start date in ISO 8601 format
  • end – resource end date in ISO 8601 format
  • metadataSet* – a set of locale-specific metadata blocks, each of which has:
    • locale* – the locale for the metadata element. If locale is set to none, the metadata block that it applies to is the default – it is the one that is used if there is no metadata block for the user's locale.
    • metadata* – a block containing one or more key/value pairs in the following form:

         "key": "<key_name>",
         "value": "<value>"

      You can add whatever keys you require. However, the following values have significance in OpenTV Platform:

      • Title – the channel title
      • Description – description of the channel
      • Rating* – channel rating
      • ChannelNumber* – channel number
      • ShortName – short name for the channel
  • guardTimeStart – schedule event start accuracy given as an offset. It will be used for any record order to specify the capture start (event.start - start). The format is based on ISO 8601 with a restricted allowed pattern: PnDTnHnMnS. If start is not specified, capture start will equal event start.
  • guardTimeEnd – schedule event end accuracy given as an offset. It will be used for any record order to specify the capture end (event.end + end). The format is based on ISO 8601 with a restricted allowed pattern: PnDTnHnMnS. If end is not specified, capture end will equal event end.
  • timeShifting* – enables or disables timeshifting for the channel. The following can be enabled/disabled individually:

    Note that if one of these flags is set to true for both an editorial channel and a corresponding technical channel, a setting of false on an event will override the setting for that event only.

    See Setting active status for catch-up, start-over and NPVR for more information.

    • shortTermCatchUpSupport * – enables/disables short-term catchup (true or false)

    • shortTermCatchUpParameters  – contains an eventDefaultFlag element that specifies the default value of shortTermCatchUpSupport for new events created in the channel after the channel has been created.
    • longTermCatchUpSupport * – enables/disables long-term catch-up (true or false)

    • longTermCatchUpParameters – contains an eventDefaultFlag element that specifies the default value of longTermCatchUpSupport for new events created in the channel after the channel has been created.
    • s tartOverSupport – enables/disabled start-over (true or false)

    • startOverParameters – contains an eventDefaultFlag element that specifies the default value of startOverSupport for new events created in the channel after the channel has been created.
    • n etworkPvrSupport – enables/disables network PVR (true or false)
    • networkPvrParameters – contains an eventDefaultFlag element that specifies the default value of networkPvrSupport for new events created in the channel after the channel has been created.
  • parentalRatings* – one or more blocks specifying parental ratings for the content. Each block contains:
    • ratingBodyName* – the name of the rating body
    • contentRatingCode* – the rating code
    • countryCode* – the country code
  • clientControls – specifies the capability products that are enabled/disabled for the channel (for example, catch-up or start-over). This is a block containing one or more key/value pairs in the following form:

       "key": "<key_name>",
       "value": true|false


    • key_name is the name of a capability that has been configured in Platform.

    • value is true or false. true means that the product is enabled for the channel. false means it is disabled.

  • dvbinfo – specifies the DVB triplet information for the channel. This consists of:

    • onid – original network ID
    • tsid – transport stream ID
    • sid – service ID
    • nid – network ID

    This information allows client devices to match broadcast channels to the corresponding metadata provided by MDS and thus enhance the information about the channel that is presented to the user.

  • regionalSettings – specifies location-specific metadata (including a region-specific source preference):
    • location – the location
    • locationType – the location type
    • channelName – the channel name
    • lcn – the Logical Channel Number (LCN)
    • sourcePreference – the source preference for this location. Must be either OTT or DVB.
  • sourcePreference – the source preference for the channel. Must be either OTT or DVB. This can be overridden on a per-region basis by setting a sourcePreference in a regionalSettings section.


A POST request with this payload creates the specified editorial channel:

   "id": "BE2",
   "providerId": "OPERATOR",
   "providerResourceId": "BE2",
   "name": "BE2"


A successful request returns an HTTP 201 status. The response contains the URI of the newly-created editorial channel.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

See also

For full details of this API, see Content and Product Manager (CPM) API documentation: content v1 .

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