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24Q4 Release Notes

OpenTV Analytics 24Q4 GA STD1.0 Release Notes

What's New

  1. Enhancements to Account Dashboard:

    1. In Account Recent Activity and Account Player Error tab, user can select an entry and see the Playback Metrics for that session.

    2. In Account Details tab the Recording Count shows the count of recorded contents (excludes deleted and scheduled recordings).

    3. Bug fixes.

  2. Enhancements to Quality of Experience Dashboard:

    1. “Corp” and “Node” filters are removed.

    2. UI changes done to Filter selection, with this:

      1. the filters are hidden/un-hidden.

      2. the filters get applied only after the “Apply” button click.

  3. Exclusion of consentMask field in Datawarehouse.

  4. Support to store Bookmarks and Favorites in Datawarehouse based on consentMask.

  5. The datawarehouse tables (activity, activities, playback_session and content_consumtion) is added with the viewer_location column (the client reported data for ‘clientCountrycode’ in activitymetadata).

  6. Added support to store locale none in editorialcontentlocalizedattributes table for the following fields: 'Title', 'Description', 'Synopsis', 'EpisodeTitle', 'Actors', 'ShortTitle', 'Genre', 'Directors', 'Categories'.

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