24Q2 Release Notes
TVAnalytics 24Q2 GA STD1.0 Release Notes:
What's New
4iG EDR Exports Change Request.
Quality of Experience Dashboard is added with additional Filter for Device Models.
Quality of Experience Dashboard is added with new chart for Average Time to start playout grouped by 500ms.
Bug fixes done in Tableau Dashboards, for Playback session calculation and others (mentioned in the release notes, attached).
Enhancements to existing Tableau Dashboard:
Addition of Custom Date filter to Operational Reports.
Performance improvement done for Collector Debugger and Audience Measurement Dashboard.
Data dictionary updated with table descriptions and additional columns.
Tableau Dashboards have been consolidated and reorganized as following:
Account Dashboard Folder has been renamed to Account Statistics, and this Folder has the following:
Account Dashboard has been renamed to Account Statistics.
Asset Recording Popularity Report (which was inside Operational Reports) has been renamed to Recording Popularity, and it is moved to this Folder.
Quality of Experience Dashboard Folder has been renamed to Quality of Experience. This folder has the following:
Existing Quality of Experience Dashboard.
Playback Metrics (which was inside Operational Reports Dashboard) has been move to here.
Consolidated reports and they are removed from this release:
The Content Consumption Dashboard, Operational KPI Dashboard and Consumption KPI Dashboard has been consolidate to Audience Measurement and Quality of Experience. So, they are removed from this release onwards.
Account Creation and Account Status Report is consolidated to Account Statistics Dashboard. So, they are removed from this release onwards.
Renaming of the Reports in Operational Folder:
Data Validation Report has been renamed to Data Validation Status.
Device Creation Report has been renamed to Device Creation Statistics.
Product Status Report has been renamed to Product Status.
Rights Report has been renamed to Entitlements and Rights Status.
Quota Usage Report (which was in Private copy folder) has been renamed to Recording Quota Usage and moved to Operational Folder.
Subject Access Request Report (which was in the GDPR folder) is moved to Operational Folder.
Ingestion Dashboard, Purge Dashboard, Content Ingest Report, Metadata Purge Activity has been consolidated to Ingest Purge Status. And this moved to Operational Folder.
Collector Debugger Folder has been renamed to SDK Integration.