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SDK Release Summary

October 2024

The table below shows the current status of NAGRA SDK releases.




New features


Release Notes

CONNECT Player for Android


09 Nov 2023

Trick-mode (FF/RW/PlaybackRate/PlaybackSpeed)

Device information API

Upgrade to latest Exoplayer 2.19.x

Crash while Zapping in OTT

Dolby 7.1 mp4 stream not playing

Failure to playback Unified Streaming DASH stream

onHttpProcessingError should not make http request to retrieve mime type on UI thread

OTVTrackInfo Language doc incorrect

Android SDK 5.33.0 Release Notes


08 Feb 2024

D2G UPI update to support playback of download items.

Enable seek-snapshot Mode 2 for Polsat SGC STB

Android SDK 5.34.0 Release Notes


26 July 2024

There are no new features in this release.

Enhance HLS seek at chunk level

SagemCom STB can't handling audio format change
multiple times consecutively in very short periods

OTVVideoView NullPointer

Regression, Video freeze,
Audio continues

Android SDK 5.34.1 Release Notes


02 Apr 2024

Upgrade to Media3 version 1.2.1.

Support HLS independent segment tag to enhance HLS seek at chunk level

Change the retry period from 100ms to 500ms when creating AudioSink failed as audio format change

Support HLS independent segment tag to enhance HLS seek at chunk level

SagemCom STB can't handling audio format change multiple times consecutively in very
short periods.

Android SDK 5.35.0 Release Notes


10 May 2024

Stalled event Insight fix.

OTVVideoView NullPointer Exception

Android SDK 5.35.1 Release Notes


07 Jun 2024


media3 IllegalArgumentException regression on 4K DVR

Android SDK 5.35.2 Release Notes


03 Oct 2024

SSM v2 (aggregation)

Fully expose Exoplayer configuration

Monitor internet connection lost for Ethernet as well as Cellular and Wifi.

Android SDK 5.36.0 Release Notes

CONNECT Player for Apple (FPS)


21 Jul 2023

Examples unified in SwiftUI.

Rebuild with Python 3.x KOP Patcher and PAK.

PRM functionality removed.

Better handling of playlist downloads.

Apple (FPS) SDK 5.10.0 Release Notes


25 Jan 2024

iOS 17 support

Device Information API

Ref App crashes when D2G content is played.

Better handling of playlist downloads.

Apple (FPS) SDK 5.11.0 Release Notes


16 Jul 2024


Track Info accessibility characteristics, channel count and encoding type.

Apple (FPS) SDK 5.11.1 Release Notes


31 Jul 2024


Replace use of deprecated functions.

Apple (FPS) SDK 5.11.2 Release Notes


27 Aug 2024


Fix an issue where httpError properties were not accessible by Objective-C

Apple (FPS) SDK 5.11.3 Release Notes


25 Sep 2024

iOS 18 support

Ad Insertion – Metadata Update not being triggered

iOS 17 upgrade – crashes on deprecated methods

Apple (FPS) SDK 5.12.0 Release Notes

CONNECT Player for Browsers and Connected TV


23 Nov 2023

Start at lowest bitrate.
Highest WV Security Level.
Shaka Player engine updated to v4.4.2.

VEWD TV: CSS in example codes hides most text on screen

Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5.19.0 Release Notes


16 Aug 2024

Shaka Player engine updated to v4.9.11.

Video.js updated to v8.17.3

Closed Captions CEA-608 support and CCn labelling.


Allow audio track selection to consider channels and accessibility.

Expose current codecs and channel config via statistics.

Listing, selection and rendering of audio and text tracks.

Quick zapping enforcing SSM teardown.

Startover stream playback on Tizen Smart TVs.

UHD variants dropped due to lowest average bandwidth.

Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5.20.0 Release Notes


30 Aug 2024

Utilisation of NetworkStatistics::errorChanged listeners for recoverable HTTP errors.

No bug fixes.

Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5.20.1 Release Notes


03 Sep 2024


mpd 400 error not reported via new onHttpError event.

Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5.20.2 Release Notes


10 Oct 2024


TTML background colour transparency

Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5.20.3 Release Notes

CONNECT Player TV Demo


05 Sep 2023

Console logging exposure via Visual Timeline.

opy-sdk-js v5.17.0.

config.json file handles both OPF config and console logging.

TV Demo 1.2.0 Release Notes


15 Apr 2024

Startover support.

Tizen AVPlayer support.

opy-sdk-js v5.19.0

Configuration not taking effect.

Channel +/- buttons on Samsung.

TV Demo 1.3.0 Release Notes


1 Aug 2024

No new features.

Update of opy-sdk-js SDK (v5.19.4) and compatibility with its features.

Support for remote controls with a combined Play/Pause button.

TV Demo 1.3.1 Release Notes


1 Aug 2024

No new features.

Update of opy-sdk-js SDK (v5.20.0 Engineering Build) and compatibility with its features.

TV Demo 1.3.2 Release Notes


7 Aug 2024

No new features.

Allow ability to toggle startAtLowestBitrate via BLUE button.

TV Demo 1.3.3 Release Notes

CONNECT Player Visual Timeline


05 May 2023

Timeline waterfall rendering.

No bug fixes.

Visual Timeline 1.0.0 Release Notes


05 Sep 2023

Console logging exposure.

No bug fixes.

Visual Timeline 1.1.0 Release Notes


15 Apr 2024

Manifest exposure.

No bug fixes.

Visual Timeline 1.2.0 Release Notes

CONNECT Player React Native (Deprecated)


10 Jan 2024

No new features.

Empty error code in onError event received in certain error scenarios.

Playback error 1000 is seen after 5 m

drm.ssmSyncMode Async not working on 2nd play attempt

Channel zapping improvements: Avoid previous content segment

Playback stop not completed when application switch between BG to FG.

React Native SDK 1.14.0 Release Notes


22 Feb 2024

Upgrade to React Native 0.72.4

Android support for play download item.

Node 18 build issues.

Safari on iOS unable to play.

React Native SDK 1.15.0 Release Notes


15 Mar 2024

No new features.

Crash switching live channels.

React Native SDK 1.15.1 Release Notes


25 Mar 2024

No new features.

Crash switching live channels.

React Native SDK 1.15.2 Release Notes


19 Jul 2024

No new features.

Provide audio and text track’s encodeType, accessibility characteristics and audio channel count.

Support for React Native v0.67.4 is no longer included in the deliverables

React Native SDK 1.15.3 Release Notes


14 Aug 2024

No new features.

CONNECT Player SDK to expose audio channel configuration and codec.

React Native SDK 1.15.4 Release Notes


31 Aug 2024

No new features.

Add CDN error codes to error message info

React Native SDK 1.15.5 Release Notes


04 Sep 2024

No new features.

mpd 400 error not reported via new onHttpError event

React Native SDK 1.15.6 Release Notes

DAS Client for Android


26 Sep 2023

Build tools upgraded, in particular JDK17 and Gradle 8.

Android 14 beta validation phase 2.

No bug fixes.

DAS Client for Android 5.3.0 Release Notes


21 Jun 2024


When Android STB in standby mode, and the connect DRM in invalid state, DAS SDK will throw specific error code SESSION_LOST.

DAS Client for Android 5.4.0 Release Notes

DAS Client for Apple


06 Jun 2023

Exposure of the nvReset API.

No bug fixes.

DAS Client for Apple 5.4.0 Release Notes

DAS Web Client for Browsers and Connected TV


17 Feb 2022

Support of DAS Web with Widevine on recent Smart TVs.

No bug fixes.

DAS Web Client 5.3.0 Release Notes

DAS React Native Client


24 Jan 2023

Native Client update:

  • Android support for CONNECT PRM

  • Apple rebuilt for iOS/tvOS 16

No bug fixes.

DAS React Native Client 1.1.0 Release Notes

Insight Agent for Android


06 Oct 2023

The Agent is now released as a standard Java library (JAR). It is also still available as an Android library (AAR).

Updated toolchain: The Agent and reference app are built using Android API level 33 (Android 13), using Gradle 8.1.1 and Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.2, which requires JDK 17.

No bug fixes.

Insight Agent for Android 1.3.0 Release Notes


05 Dec 2023

No new features

nullPointerException in InsightAgent

Insight Agent for Android 1.3.1 Release Notes


10 May 2024

No new features.

Warnings while app upload to Google Play store


16 Jul 2024

No new features.

Invalid timeToVideoStart reported

Insight Agent for Apple


27 Apr 2022

No new features.

New method setBitrate shall also report the resolution and the codecs.

Insight Agent for Apple 1.3.0 Release Notes

Insight Agent for Browsers


29 Mar 2023

No new features.

No bug fixes.

Insight Agent for Browsers 1.3.7 Release Notes

Insight React Native


13 Sep 2023

React Native Player SDK simulator support for iOS and tvOS.

Connected TV - Insight reported LG TV as NIKEM2.

White screen seen when trying to load on Tizen 5.5.

onStatisticsUpdate was unable to report adaptiveStreaming.

Insight React Native 1.2.0 Release Notes

Insight Agent for Linux


09 Mar 2023

New CI/CD Pipeline. No code changes.

No bug fixes.

Insight Agent for Linux 1.6.0 Release Notes

OTV Analytics Agent for Android


01 May 2023

First official release


OTV Analytics Agent for Android 1.0.0 Release Notes


13 Sep 2024

Performance test for zapping and longplay

Stalled event insight


OTV Analytics Agent for Android 1.1.0 Release Notes


09 Oct 2024

Support for Bitmovin Player as well as NAGRA CONNECT Player.


OTV Analytics Agent for Android 1.2.0 Release Notes

OTV Analytics Agent for Browsers


30 Apr 2024

First official release


OTV Analytics Agent for Browsers 1.0.0 Release Notes


12 Sep 2024

Retry mechanism for 500-600 HTTP responses.

PlaybackSkipAhead and PlaybackSkipBack activities deferred until SEEKED event.

Stalled event triggers corrected.

appVersion added to agent config structure and send with every activity.


OTV Analytics Agent for Browsers 1.1.0 Release Notes

OTV Analytics Agent for Apple


16 Sep 2024

First official release


OTV Analytics Agent for Browsers 1.0.0 Release Notes

JavaScript errors detected

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