
@interface OTVThumbnailView

This class can be used to display I-Frames from a stream, e.g. for display of thumbnails while seeking. The URL provided to the initialiser must point to a HLS playlist with I-Frames, otherwise the hasThumbnails function will return false and the view won’t render thumbnails. note: hasThumbnails will return false immediately after initalisation, even for a playlist that has I-Frames. This is because the playlist needs to first be downloaded and checked for I-Frames.

  • Initialises the view with the specified stream URL and optional frame. \param url the stream URL to receive I-Frames from

    \param frame the frame to create the view with



    - (nonnull instancetype)initWithUrl:(NSURL *_Nonnull)url frame:(CGRect)frame;
  • Specifies whether the URL provided to the initaliser points to a HLS playlist with I-Frames or not



    - (BOOL)hasThumbnails;
  • Specifies which I-Frame the view should render \param seconds The time within the stream for which to render the I-Frame



    - (void)setTimeToSeconds:(NSTimeInterval)seconds;