
@protocol OTVLicenseDelegate <NSObject>

The OTVLicenseDelegate protocol defines methods that allows your code to handle the FPS request while playing a FairPlay encrypted stream.

  • Returns the scheme that the integrator uses in the EXT-X-KEY URI.

    returns: String: Of Scheme.



    - (NSString *_Nullable)scheme;
  • Returns the content identifier that the integrator uses in the server side. \param url URL The URL is the EXT-X-KEY URI, which may contain the information about the content identifier. (The integrator decides what this parameter contains.)

    returns: Data contains the content identifier.



    - (NSData *_Nullable)contentIdentifierWithUrl:(NSURL *_Nonnull)url;
  • Returns the certificate that integrator uses in the server side.

    returns: Data contains the certificate.



    - (NSData *_Nullable)certificate;
  • Returns the Content Key Context (CKC) message from the server side that is used to decrypt the FairPlay stream. remark:

    This delegate function only supports one asset playout. Customers should implement the ckcMessageWithID(spc:assetID:) when playback multistream in concurrency. seealso: ckcMessageWithID(spc:assetID:), ckcMessageWith(spc:assetID:session:keyRequest:) \param spc Data The Server Playback Context (SPC) is the payload produced from AVFoundation.

    returns: Data contains the Content Key Context (CKC) message.



    - (NSData *_Nullable)ckcMessageWithSpc:(NSData *_Nonnull)spc;
  • Returns the Content Key Context (CKC) message from the server side that is used to decrypt the FairPlay stream. \param spc Data The Server Playback Context (SPC) is the payload produced from AVFoundation.

    \param assetID contentID from HLS Playlist. Multi playback should depend on the value to request different license.

    returns: Data contains the Content Key Context (CKC) message.



    - (NSData *_Nullable)ckcMessageWithIDWithSpc:(NSData *_Nonnull)spc
                                         assetID:(NSString *_Nonnull)assetID;
  • Returns the Content Key Context (CKC) message from the server side that is used to decrypt the FairPlay stream. remark:

    In deployments where Secure Session Management is enforced by a short duration FPS license (“license-renew”), the session and keyRequest values may be saved and later used to trigger renewal of the expiring license using: keySession.renewExpiringResponseData(for: keyRequest) \param spc Data The Server Playback Context (SPC) is the payload produced from AVFoundation.

    \param assetID contentID from HLS Playlist. Multi playback should depend on the value to request different license.

    \param session the AVContentKeySession for which the CKC is required

    \param keyRequest the originating AVContentKeyRequest

    returns: Data contains the Content Key Context (CKC) message.



    - (NSData *_Nullable)ckcMessageWithSpc:(NSData *_Nonnull)spc
                                   assetID:(NSString *_Nonnull)assetID
                                   session:(AVContentKeySession *_Nonnull)session
                                    (AVContentKeyRequest *_Nonnull)keyRequest;