Android OpenTV Player SDK
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCOTVNetworkStatistics.AdaptiveStreamingProvides statistics on the adaptive streaming protocol
oCOTVUPIStatistics.AdaptiveStreamingAdaptive Streaming Statistics
oCAgentWrapper for the new Insight Android agent
oCOTVUPIStatisticsConfig.BuilderThe Builder is used to create OTVUPIStatisticsConfiguration objects
oCOTVUPIThumbnailStyle.BuilderThe Builder is used to create OTVUPIThumbnailStyle objects
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.BuilderBuilds OTVPlayerConfiguration instances
oCCaptionStyleCompatA compatibility wrapper for CaptionStyle
oCOTVUPIStatistics.ContentServerContent Server information
oCOTVNetworkStatistics.ContentServerProvides statistics on the content server the player is connected to
oCOTVUPIError.DetailsAndroid error codes
oCOTVUPISource.DrmDRM Server information
oCCaptionStyleCompat.EdgeTypeThe type of edge, which may be none
|oCContentInfoHolderRepresentation of the metadata for a single content item
|\CUserInfoHolderRepresentation of the metadata for a user/subscriber
oCIOTVLogProviderInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when new log message is received
oCIOTVThumbnailListenerInterface for handling thumbnail events
oCIOTVUPIEventListenerInterface definition of callbacks when events occur
|\COTVUPIEventListenerA convenience base class implementation of IOTVUPIEventListener
oCIOTVUPIPlayerThis interface defines the interface of a player
oCMpdParser.MpdDownloadListenerA listener interface for results taken on an MPD downloaded from a URL
oCMpdParserA helper class to extract information from the contents of a DASH MPD manifest file
oCIOTVUPIEventListener.NaturalSizeMedia size dimensions in onLoad events
oCOTVUPIStatistics.NetworkNetwork Statistics, including adaptive streaming, network usage and content server info
oCOTVUPIStatistics.NetworkUsageNetwork Usage Statistics
oCOTVNetworkStatistics.NetworkUsageProvides statistics on the usage of the network by the player
oCOTVVideoView.OnScalingModeChangedListenerInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when scale mode are changed
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVAbrConfigurationConfiguration class for adaptive track selector
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVBufferingControlConfigurationConfiguration class for BufferingControl
oCOTVConnectLicensePreDeliveryThe class that supports license pre-delivery with Nagra Connect DRM
oCOTVConnectLicensePreDeliveryListenerAn interface to notify Application if fetching pre-delivery license is successful
oCOTVConnectManagerThe class that supports playbacks with Nagra Connect DRM
oCOTVConnectProvisionListenerAn interface to notify Application if Provisioning Connect DRM is successful
oCOTVContentTypeContent types supported by OTVVideoView/OTVMediaPlayer
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVDashLiveStartConfigurationConfiguration class for DashLiveStart
oCOTVDeviceConnectDetectorA class for detecting external output device connect or disconnect
oCOTVDeviceConnectDetector.OTVDeviceConnectListenerListener for events from connect detector
oCOTVDRMOTVDRM class used to find information about supported DRM systems and their security levels and to select preferred
oCOTVDrmInfoOTVDrmInfo class represents the capability and security level for a DRM key system and content type
oCOTVDrmSecurityLevelOTVDrmSecurityLevel represents the rated security provided by the platform for different DRM
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVHlsLiveStartConfigurationConfiguration class for HlsLiveStart
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVHttpDataSourceConfigurationConfiguration class for HttpDataSource
oCOTVIFrameThumbnailViewSurfaceView that displays IFrame track content as the thumbnail closest to the time provided by seekTime(long)
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVLiveConfigurationConfiguration class for Live
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVLivePlaybackSpeedControlConfiguration class for live playback speed control
oCOTVMediaDrmCallbackAn interface defining the methods Integrators must implement to facilitate Widevine, PlayReady or Connect decryption licensing
|\COTVCommonMediaDrmCallbackA convenience base class implementation of OTVMediaDrmCallback
oCOTVMetadataListenerInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when the metadata are changed
oCOTVPAKReadyListenerAn interface to notify Application if PAK client is ready to fetch license for PRM encrypted stream playback
oCOTVPlayerConfigurationOTVPlayerConfiguration class is used to configure the playback of audio/video files and streams
oCOTVPRMExceptionThrown when fetch prm license failed or license is expired, license is invalid
oCOTVPRMManagerThe class that supports playbacks using PRM
oCOTVPRMNonSilentCallbackAn interface defining the methods integrators must implement to facilitate PRM decryption licensing
|\COTVSSPPRMNonSilentCallbackA default implementation of OTVPRMNonSilentCallback to support SSP Server
oCOTVPRMSessionEventListenerAn interface to notify Application if fetch license failure or license expired for PRM encrypted stream playback
oCOTVThumbnailContains the image data and start time of an individual thumbnail
oCOTVThumbnailErrorThumbnail error codes
oCOTVThumbnailViewDisplays the thumbnail closest to the time provided by seekTime(long)
oCOTVPlayerConfiguration.OTVTrackSelectorConfigurationConfiguration class for TrackSelector
oCOTVUPIErrorClass for OTV UPI errors
oCOTVUPIPlayerFactoryOTVUPIPlayerFactory to create OTVUPIPlayer instance
oCOTVUPISourceOTVUPISource class with playback information
oCOTVUPIStatisticsOTVUPIStatistics class with network and playback statistics
oCOTVUPIStatistics.PlaybackPlayback Statistics, including player and rendering statistics
oCOTVUPIStatistics.PlayerPlayback Player Statistics
oCOTVUPIStatistics.RenderingPlayback Rendering Statistics
oCOTVUPISource.TextTrackExternal text tracks information
oCIOTVUPIEventListener.TrackInfoTrack information for onTracksChanged events
oCWatermarkProvides an interface to set up and control a unique watermark on the playback content, powered by the NexGuard-QuickMark SDK
oCWatermarkErrorIdWatermark error enumerator used for identifying error codes on invalid QuickMark values
oCWatermarkErrorListenerReports errors when invalid url, token and tenants are supplied to the QuickMark SDK or there is no server response
\CWatermarkMessageListenerReports the messages from the QuickMark SDK