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OTV Analytics Agent Overview

The NAGRA Open TV Analytics Agent (otvaa) captures and posts analytics data to OpenTV Analytics Servers. The analytics data will be UAV activities and Insight Analytics.

The otvaa supports two different API:

  • otvaa agent

  • otvaa wrapper

The otvaa agent API will support only UAV activities. Client applications using this API will be required to identify analytics activities but can use the agent API to forward the activities to UAV. The agent API is useful for clients who do not use a Nagra Connect secure player.

The otvaa wrapper API is useful for clients who use a Nagra Connect secure player. It supports both UAV activities, and Insight Analytics. It will automatically identify some analytics activities from the player thereby reducing the integration effort on the client application (though the client application will still be required to generate some activities).

Client applications should use the agent API or the wrapper API, but not a mixture.

Platform-specific Agents



Download link

HTML Players, including Smart TVs, Web players, Hybrid apps


Javascript Agent Integration Guide

iOS, iPad OS, Apple TV OS


iOS and tvOS Native Agent Integration Guide

Android or any Java environment


Java Agent Integration Guide

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