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OTV Analytics Agent for Apple Home

Downloading the SDK Package

The SDK can be downloaded directly via FTP. Please contact your NAGRA representative to obtain access.

Once access is granted, use this procedure to download the release artefacts:

  1. Using your preferred Secure FTP client, log in to

  2. Change the directory to the root delivery folder /home/svc-opy_ci/delivery/ and drill down to the release folder:

  3. Download the required files.

Your NAGRA FTP account will expire after twelve months, so you will need to refresh your account annually. Accounts are purged from the system 30 days after expiration; after that, they will have to be recreated.

What’s in the SDK Package

All the files in the OtvAa SDK package are prefixed with otvaa-sdk-apple-<version>-.

The SDK Package includes the following files (with the prefix):

  • otvaaAppleAgent-xcframework - the SDK Framework.
    Can be downloaded directly from here.

  • apidocs - the API documentation.
    Can be downloaded directly from here.


When working with the OpenTV Connect Player and OtvAnalyticsAgentWrapper, your application needs to include additional libraries. For compatiblity, please see the release notes page regarding the correct library versions to work with this version of OtvAa.

If you use Nagra’s Insight Analytics, then you will also need:

  • The Nagra Insight Agent library. This may have been provided to you by your Nagra representative, or you can download it from the Insight Agent for Apple pages. Please pay attention to the correct version.

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