Acquired Content List data model
Name | Type | Description | Localised | Always available |
accountUID | Long | The UID of the account that acquired the content. | No | Yes |
aclExpiryDate | Date | Expiration date inserted in the license. | No | No |
consumptionWindowSecs | Integer | The length of the Consumption Interval of the purchased Base Price, in seconds. If this field is present, the purchased Policy Group is using relative licensing. | No | No |
deviceUID | Long | The UID of the STB or media player that acquired the content, if known. | No | No |
expiryDate | Date | The date the content acquired will stop being available to the user. | No | Yes |
licenseExpiryDurationSecs | Integer | The expiry duration of Licenses granted under the purchased Policy Group. For relative, transactional VOD, this is set to the length of the Expiry Interval of the purchased Base Price. For relative, subscription VOD, this is set to the global relative SVOD license duration configured at the time of purchase. | No | Yes |
originID | String | The identifier used by SDP for the system that owns the object. | No | No |
originKey | String | The identifier used for the object by the system that owns it. | No | Yes |
policyGroupUID | Long | The UID of the purchased PolicyGroup (product). | No | Yes |
productType | String | The CAS product type for the item. | No | Yes |
purchasedItemType | String | The type of the purchased item. An Acquired Content List ItemType value. Can be one of:
| No | Yes |
purchasedItemUID | Long | The UID of the purchased item. | No | Yes |
uID | Long | The SDP internal UID for this entity. | No | Yes |
userUID | Long | The UID of the user that acquired the content. | No | No |
validFrom | Date | The date the content acquired becomes available to the user. | No | Yes |
viewingNumber | Integer | The maximum number of times viewers can watch the content, where this restriction applies to the product type. For on-demand content, this is the | No | No |