The client UI application will usually need to retrieve some account, user and device data, both for displaying information to the end user, and using the data to populate other API requests.
For example, it might be a requirement to display the account number somewhere in the UI.
User data: User data is usually only relevant when using an open device where signon is by user and device ID rather than just a hardware identifier.
Data Models
When performing signon to the Service Platform as described in Authentication, a token is generated. This token contains key identification regarding the caller's account, user and device.
The client can retrieve additional information about their account, user and device by requesting their own context data from the SDP.
A device's context should also be supplied to the SDP when using certain APIs. This allows the client to change the context, for example, if they want to call an API based on another device's information (which belongs to the same account; this will be checked during authorisation).
Context object
Name | Type | Description | Localised | Always available |
accessPointUid | Integer | The unique Access Point identifier within the SDP. Can be used to request the full Access Point details from the SDP using the Access Point service. An Access Point provides details on the location the device resides in and how it should connect to the platform. | No | Yes |
accountNumber | String | The account number. Usually provided by the service provider. | No | Yes |
accountOriginId | Integer | In cases where the account number needs to be defined within the SDP for some reason, this field can be used to identify the system providing the account origin key information, if present. | No | No |
accountOriginKey | String | In cases where the account number needs to be defined within the SDP for some reason, this field can be used to define the original account number as provided by the service provider. Rarely used. | No | No |
accountUid | Integer | The unique account identifier within the SDP. This identifier is not known externally to the SDP, so it should only be used for SDP API calls. Account number should be used for account identification wherever possible. | No | Yes |
casn | String | The Conditional Access Serial Number of the device CA chipset. Only applicable to set top boxes. It can be changed by a firmware change, but this is not common, so it can be used as a device identifier for signon. | No | No |
challengeId | String | The solution to a recent challenge obtained from the challengeAggregateService , where required. This field is used in NAGRA Media PRM deployments that use challenges to provide additional security around purchasing and licensing. It only needs to be set when providing a Context object to an API that requires this additional security, such as those on bocPurchaseService . The same challenge ID may be used multiple times until it expires, normally in the order of 30 seconds after issue. Once a challenge ID expires, you must to obtain a new challenge using challengeAggregateService.acquireSecureChallenge and refresh this field with the decrypted challenge ID. | No | No |
deviceOriginId | Integer | The identifier of the external system that provisioned the device. Only used if deviceOriginKey is present. | No | No |
deviceOriginKey | String | The external identifier of the device. Not typically used, as external systems usually also identify devices by hardware identifiers such as CASN. | No | No |
deviceProfileUid | Integer | Unique device profile identifier. Can be used to retrieve device profile information from the Profile service. | No | No |
deviceType | String | The device type. Must be one of: STB – set top boxMP – media player
| No | Yes |
deviceUid | Integer | Can be used to retrieve the full device information from the Device service. | No | Yes |
drmInstanceId | String | The ID of the DRM system the client wishes to use. Typically not needed, as the DRM system is usually determined by the content itself. | No | No |
featureNameList | List of strings | A list of the name of each Feature in the DeviceProfile associated with the request. If the client does not supply a value for this field, it is derived from the featureUidList where possible. | No | No |
featureUidList | List of longs | A list of the uid of each Feature in the DeviceProfile associated with the request. If the client does not supply a value for this field, it is derived from the deviceProfileUid where possible. | No | No |
mediaPlayerId | String | The identifer of the open device. Only applicable to open devices. Usually created by the DRM system during device initialisation. | No | No |
smartcardId | String | The smartcardId of the device's smartcard, if there is one. | No | No |
userUid | Integer | The user's unique identifier within the SDP. | No | Yes |
An account includes information about a customer account. It is not expected that a client needs any specific account data apart from the UID/number to function, as most of the parameters are only relevant to CRM/SMS systems.
Account parameters
Name | Type | Description | Always available |
accessPointUID | Integer | The unique access point identifier within the SDP. Can be used to request the full access point details from the SDP using the Access Point service. An access point provides details on the location the device resides in and how it should connect to the platform. | Yes |
accountNumber | String (max 20 chars) | The account number. Usually provided by the service provider. | Yes |
accountProfileUID | Integer | The unique account profile identifier within the SDP. This profile is used to specify the maximum number of allowed devices, device activations, and concurrent OTT streams. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
address1 | String (max 150 chars) | First line of address. | No |
address2 | String (max 150 chars) | Second line of address. | No |
city | String | Address city name. | No |
country | String (max 50 chars) | Address country. | No |
county | String (max 100 chars) | Address county. | No |
creditLimit | Double | The maximum spend per globally-specified credit interval, for example, a calendar month. If empty, the account will be able to make unlimited purchases. | No |
creditSpent | Double | The credit spent so far in the current time period. | No |
creditSpentRS | String | Not relevant to clients. Used by billing jobs. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
firstName | String | Account holder first name. | No |
lastname | String (max 100 chars) | Account holder last name. | No |
locality | String (max 100 chars) | Address locality, that is, area name. | No |
maxMPDeviceAllowed | Integer | The number of open devices associated with the account cannot exceed this value, if set. | No |
maxUserAllowed | Integer | The number of users associated with the account cannot exceed this value, if set. | No |
npvrProfile | String (max 32 chars) | The network PVR profile used for this account. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
password | String (max 20 chars) | Not typically used. | No |
postcode | String (max 10 chars) | Postcode or zipcode. | No |
ppvStatus | Boolean | Boolean to indicate whether the account has access to PPV services. This field was known as isPPVEnabled in SMSDomain-1.2 and earlier. | No |
rolloutProfileUID | Long | The identifier of the rollout profile that should be used for this account. A rollout profile indicates what software versions should be rolled out to an account's open devices. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | Yes |
status | String | The account status. One of: ACTIVE CANCELLED INACTIVE RESTRICTED SUSPENDED
Only accounts that are active or restricted will be able to sign on to the system, therefore the status is largely irrelevant to a client UI application. For details see: Account and STB Status. | Yes |
title | String | Account holder title. | No |
UID | Integer | Unique account identifier within the SDP. Can be used to query other APIs in the SDP, but not against any other modules or systems. | Yes |
A device contains information about a client device. There are two types of device that have type-specific parameters as well as the device parameters; Set Top Box and Media Player. Most fields are optional and will be populated depending on the solution architecture.
Device parameters
This data structure represents a generic device.
Note that a Media Player or Set Top Box is an instance of a Device, and that the Media Player data model and Set Top Box data model extend the Device data model.
Name | Description | Always available |
accountUID | The unique account identifier within the SDP. This identifier is not known externally to the SDP, so should only be used for SDP API calls. Account number should be used for account identification wherever possible. | Yes |
description | Description of the device if available. | No |
deviceClassifierUID | Unique identifier of the device classifier within the SDP. Can be used to retrieve the device classifier from the Device Classifier Service. | No |
deviceEnabled | true if the device is enabled, otherwise false . The device will not be able to use the service if this is false, so should be true. | Yes |
deviceType | The device type. Should be one of: STB – Set Top BoxMP – Media Player
| Yes |
drmInstanceName | The name of the DRM system. | No |
name | Device name. | No |
physicalAddress | The current IP address of the device, if available. | No |
profileID | Can be used to retrieve device profile information from the Profile Service. | No |
UID | Unique device identifier within the SDP. Can be used to query other APIs in the SDP but not any other modules or systems. | Yes |
STB parameters
This data structure provides the fields that classify a Set Top Box device.
Note that a Set Top Box is an instance of a Device, and that the Set Top Box data model extends the Device data model.
Name | Type | Description | Always available |
banned | Boolean | If true, then this device is banned from using the system due to improper operation. Other devices in the account might be OK, and the account may otherwise be in perfectly good standing. | Yes |
caSN | String (max 256 chars) | The Conditional Access Serial Number of the device CA chipset. Can be changed by a firmware change, but this isn't common, so can be used as a device identifier for signon. | No |
drmInstanceName | String (max 320 chars) | Indicates which DRM the STB uses. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
drmDeviceID | String (max 50 chars) | DRM device ID. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
externalGroupUID | String | External group identifier. | No |
ipAddress | String (max 20 chars) | The current IP address of the STB, if known and available. | No |
macAddress | String (max 20 chars) | The MAC address of the STB. | No |
network | String (max 256 chars) | A network identifier. | No |
nUID | String (max 256 chars) | Uniquely identifies the device within a NAGRA STB deployment. Cannot be changed as it is hardwired in the hardware. | No |
port | Integer | The port used for IP communication with the STB if needed. | No |
provisionId | String | An optional ID that may be used during provisioning. | No |
provisionPwd | String (max 10 chars) | An optional password that may be used to authenticate the Set Top Box during provisioning. | No |
serialNumber | String (max 100 chars) | STB serial number. | No |
smartcardID | String (max 100 chars) | The smartcard number. If the device is cardbased – it requires a physical smartcard – then this value is hardcoded on the smartcard itself. For a cardless device, this value is generated by the SDP, and paired to the device during provisioning. Can be used to retrieve the full smartcard data from the Smartcard service. | No |
smartcardType | String (max 11 chars) | The smartcard type. One of: CARDBASED CARDLESS UNSPECIFIED
| No |
If the device is cancelled, inactive, or suspended, then an end-user application should not be able to use it to query the API. For details see Account and STB Status. | Yes |
version | String | The version of the software currently running on the device. | No |
Media Player parameters
This data structure provides the fields that classify a Media Player (open) device.
Note that a Media Player is an instance of a Device, and that the Media Player data model extends the Device data model.
Name | Type | Description | Always available |
drmClientId | String | The DRM client identifier. | No |
mediaPlayerId | String | The identifer of the open device. Usually created by the DRM system during device initialisation. | Yes |
The smartcard entity contains additional information regarding the smartcard, or in the case of a cardless CAS system, the Virtual Unique Address (VUA). Its details are not required by client applications.
Smartcard parameters
Name | Type | Description | Always available |
casInstanceId | String (max 20 chars) | Identifies the CAS system that this smartcard belongs to. | Yes |
modificationDate | dateTime | Date and time the smartcard was last modified. | No |
originId | Integer | An identifier for the system which owns this smartcard. Identifiers up to 9999 are reserved for identifying systems pre-integrated with SDP. Operators can define their own meanings for values of 10000 and above. | No |
originKey | String (max 20 chars) | The key or identifier that the system that owns this smartcard uses to identify it. | No |
smartcardID | String (max 100 chars) | The smartcard number. If the device is cardbased – it requires a physical smartcard – then this value is hardcoded on the smartcard itself. For a cardless device, this value is generated by the SDP, and paired to the device during provisioning. | Yes |
status | String | The status of the smartcard, one of: AVAILABLE – this smartcard is not allocated to an STB, so is available to be assigned. This status is only applicable in card-based systems.UNAVAILABLE – this smartcard is in use by an STB.CANCELLED – this smartcard has been cancelled and cannot be re-used.
| Yes |
stbUid | Long | Unique ID of the STB. Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
statusCode | String | This returns the status of the smartcard. Allowed values are: AVAILABLE (A)UNAVAILABLE (U)CANCELLED (C)
Available from SMSDomain-1.3 and above. | No |
Access Point
An Access Point represents a logical grouping of Accounts that access the operator's service in the same manner. Access Points can be used to group Accounts by access method (for example, cable and IP clients), by geographical region, or by some other desirable sub-group of the subscriber base.
Typically, an Access Point is used to represent a geographical area or region, and in some cases also the edge of the network where Edge QAMs, Video servers, and other such equipment are located. When used to represent a region, the name of the access point is defined as the region name. This name should be used to filter content metadata to the region of the client device.
When used to represent the edge of the network, it can contain the addresses of the local servers such as video servers, which the client should connect to to obtain VOD. An Access Point can be associated with Device Groups that contain devices that represent the head-end devices that service that set of Accounts. This complex data representation is seldom used, however.
Access Point Object
Name | Type | Description | Localised | Always available |
creationDate | Date | Access Point creation date. | No | Yes |
description | String | Description. | No | No |
enabled | Boolean | Access Point status. Should always be true otherwise signon will not function! | No | Yes |
exportID | String | Identifier to use when exporting the data to a third party. | No | No |
modifiedDate | Date | Last time the Access Point data was updated. | No | No |
name | String | Usually the region name. If so, use this value as a region filter when communicating with metadata services. | No | Yes |
originID | String | Source data system identifier. | No | No |
originKey | String | Source data system key. | No | No |
publicAddrAPS | String | Application server IP address. Clients can use this field to connect to a local application server. | No | No |
publicAddrSTS | String | Streaming server IP address. The public IP address of the streaming video server. | No | No |
serviceProviderID | String | Service Provider ID. | No | Yes |
uID | Integer | SDP internal unique identifier for the access point. | No | Yes |
Use Cases
The following sections describe three use cases.
Application initialisation
Once authentication is complete, it is usually necessary to retrieve some additional information about the device and its user, account, and access point to start the UI, as the information provided might be required to retrieve subscription data and content metadata. The key variables provided by the Context object should be persisted in memory for use with other requests.
Current context
To retrieve the current context for a device, send a GET request to:
https: //<server>:<port>/qsp/gateway/http/js/contextservice/getCurrentContext
Parameter | Purpose | Type | Cardinality | Description | Required |
token | token | string | 1.1 | Authentication token. | Yes |
The response is a Context object.
Data refresh
An application, especially one running on a Set Top Box, might be running for long periods of time without restarting. During that time, key data stored on the server might be updated. For example, the account status or the customer's subscription's might change. There is no mechanism for this information to be pushed to the device, therefore it is expected that the application periodically refreshes the data persisted in memory (for example, once an hour).
There are no additional APIs for data refresh; the same APIs should be used to retrieve the context and subscription data.
Retrieving access point details
To retrieve the access point for a device, send a GET request to:
https: //<server>:<port>/qsp/gateway/http/js/accesspointservice/getByUID
Parameter | Purpose | Type | Cardinality | Description | Required |
arg0 | Access Point UID | string | 1.1 | Access Point UID (get it from Context). | Yes |
token | token | string | 1.1 | Authentication token. | Yes |
The response is an Access Point object.
See also
The full SDP API documentation.