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Getting a list of blackout events for a specified time period


To get a list of blackout events for all channels for a specified time period, send a GET request to:


where connection_type is the type of connection that the client is currently using (e.g., 4G).

If the client’s connection type changes, it must repeat this request, passing the new connection type to get an updated list of events.

By default, this returns results for the next 24 hours. To get blackout events for a different period, add start and end parameters (in Unix epoch time). For example:



  • Authorization: Bearer – bearer token

  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

  • connection_type – the connection type

Other arguments

  • start – the start time of the query period in Unix epoch time. If omitted, the current time is used.

  • end – the end time of the query period in Unix epoch time. If omitted, the time 24 hours from now is used.

  • page – the page of results to retrieve (only relevant when limit is also specified)

  • limit – the number of results to return per page

  • cachetrue to allow CDN caching or false to prevent CDN caching.
    Note: this just sets or unsets the relevant response headers.


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

A successful response includes the IDs of the blackout events for the specified time period, indicating whether blackout is true or false for each of the following:

  • live – the live event itself

  • so – start-over

  • cu – catch-up, that is, the ability to watch the event after is is broadcast

See also

Metadata Server (MDS) API Documentation

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