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Create new role

To create a new role for a service:

  1. Open the Permissions Management app and select the Roles tab.

  2. Use the Service dropdown list to select the service for which you want to create the new role.


  3. Click the Create Role button.

  4. In the Role Name field, enter the name of the role.

  5. Click the Create button.

Define role permissions

To define the permissions to be included in the role:

  1. Select the Permissions page from the sidebar.

  2. Click the Edit Permissions button.

  3. Select the permissions required for the role.

  4. Click Save.
    (Note that the available options are different for each service.)

Manage identity providers

To add an identity provider for the role:

  1. Select the Identity Providers page from the sidebar.

  2. Click the Add IDP Mapper button.

  3. Complete the fields:

Identity Provider

Select the required identity provider from the dropdown list.


Enter the name of the claim.

Claim Value

Enter the claim value.

  1. Click Review to review the changes.

  2. Click Save.

Note that this process does not assign any users to the role.

To assign a user to a role, see Manage user roles

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