Retrieve a VOD content rating for an account
To retrieve the rating for a VOD content for an account, send a GET request to:
This obtains a list of ratings made by a specific account for the given content and returns a number of ratings if there is more than one user per account.
Content-Type: application/json
– the standard NAGRAVISION HTTP Token, as required for authentication purposes
Mandatory arguments
– account IDcontentId
– content ID
Other arguments
– a list of fields names to return in the responseoffset
– the number of records to skip for paginationlimit
- the number of records to return
In the example below, a user belonging to account AC1234
is requesting their rating for the VOD content with the ID TDLA0100000088341751
. The uniqueness of the contentId
negates the need to specify a data type (i.e., VOD or BTV).
When the rating is at the account level, the account number and contentId
are submitted as part of the URL.
GET http://server:port/useractivityvault/v1/ratings/content/TDLA0100000088341751/account/AC1234
A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.
A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.
An internal server error returns an HTTP 401 status.
"ratings": [
"contentId": "string",
"accountId": "string",
"userId": "string",
"deviceId": "string",
"rating": 0
"totalRecords": 0
See also
For full details of this API, see User Activity Vault (UAV) API documentation.