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Profile attributes



ID of the profile

Any unused profile ID


Name of the profile

Note: this is not used during the workflow execution.

Free text

typeThe profile's type"ContentPreparation"



The properties used within the rules


The source asset type

Free text


The source Asset Device Link (ADL) type

"source", "destination", "archive", or "other"



The destination asset type



The destination ADL type

"source", "destination", "archive", or "other"


When set to true, the job start date is based on the editorial content end date.

If set to false,  it is based on the editorial content start date.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: true

The job start date offset value in minutes.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: 0


Device to use to allocate resources. This device will be used to manage the max parallel workflow jobs authorised for this profile.



Name of the workflow. Used by Workflow Manager (CWM) to identify which workflow must be executed.



The device on which the source asset is present.

Used to determine the sourceUri attribute when generating the workflow job.

workflow.sourceDevice.idThe ID of the source device


Defines which access point to use on the source device to access to the source asset.

It is used to generate the sourceUri.

 "local" or "ftp", depending on whether CFI is deployed on a CIS or CDN device

workflow.ProcessingDeviceThe device responsible for transferring assets from the source device to the destination device.
workflow.ProcessingDevice.idThe ID of the processing device

The access point to use on the processing device.

For both purge and transfer workflows, this is "command", as each of these workflows creates a command file that contains the source and destination locations and CFI performs the asset transfer.



The device to which to transfer the assets. (Not relevant for purge.)

Used to determine the destinationUri attribute.

The ID of the destination device.

For the transfer workflow, this is the destination FTP/S3/local repository.

ID of the destination device


The access point to use on the destination device.

"ftp", "s3", or "local"


The relative path to apply from the destination device access point to generate the destinationUri.



Parameters used during the execution of the workflow.


Absolute location of the source asset.

The sourceUri can refer to a file or to a directory. A URI that does not include an extension is assumed to be a directory, while a URI that does include an extension is assumed to be a file. For example, "sourceFolder" is assumed to be a folder, while "asset1.ts" is assumed to be a file.

Once set, this property must not be updated except for administrative purposes.






The absolute path of the destination folder location to which the assets will be transferred. 

If createDestinationDirectoryStructure is set to false and the destination path does not physically exist on the destination device, the workflow will fail. If it is set to true and the path does not exist, the workflow will create the directory.

Once set, this property must not be updated except for administrative purposes.


workflow.workflowInputProperties.encoderProfileIdThe ID of the encoder profile to use


If set to true, the source will be deleted (if possible) once the transfer is completed.

If the source cannot be deleted, the workflow will fail.


If set to true, destination asset will be overwritten is it already exists.

If the destination cannot be overwritten, the workflow will fail.


If set to true, the destination asset will have the extension ".progress" until the transfer is completed.

Once completed, the destination asset will be renamed to remove the ".progress" extension.


The location where the CFI module is deployed. The values is:

  • "sourceDevice" if CFI is deployed on a CIS machine.
  • "destinationDevice" if CFI is deployed on a CDN machine.
"sourceDevice" or "destinationDevice"

Specifies the the extension given to the status file that CFI generates once the asset transfer is successful.

The default value is ".success".


Specifies the extension given to the status file that CFI generates when the asset transfer fails.

The default value is ".error".

workflow.workflowInputProperties.createDestinationDirectoryStructureIf true, the source's directory structure will be created in the destination if it does not exist.
workflow.workflowInputProperties.RescheduleOnMissingSourceIf true, if a missing source error occurs, the job is rescheduled.

Specifies the extension used for the statistics file that CFI generates when the asset transfer completed (whether successful or not).

The default value is ".statistics".


If true, CFI checks whether the source asset is present or not. If it is not, it writes the error message specified in workflowInputProperties.missingSourceErrorPattern (see below) to the error status file.

CWM then uses this information to decide whether to reschedule the job or to mark it as failed. (If this is set to true and the error message matches the one specified in workflowInputProperties.missingSourceErrorPattern, it reschedules the transfer job.)

workflow.workflowInputProperties.missingSourceErrorPatternThe string that CFI writes to the error status file if it detects that the source asset is missing."non existing file"

The job completion timeout. This is the time that CWM waits to get the status from CFI. If it does not receive the status within this time, the job fails.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: 3600 seconds

Specifies how often CWM checks for the presence of a CFI status file

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: 10 seconds

Enables (true) or disables (false) automatic retry for failed jobs.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: false
workflow.workflowInputProperties.channelBufferThe time period in the past (in seconds) that the event must exist in for it to be captured. For example, if you set this to 86400, only events whose start time was in the last 24 hours will have their capture retried. Capture will not be retried for events that are older than 24 hours.Default: events' age is not considered – all failed jobs are retried.

The maximum number of CFI connection retries. If CWM cannot establish a connection, it retries the specified number of times before giving up and marking the job as failed.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: 3

The delay between retries on connection time out.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: 600 seconds

The delay between retries on rescheduling the job.

If no value is specified, the default value is used.

Default value: 3600 seconds


The maximum number of job reschedule retries.

If not configured default values will be used

Default value: 3




workflow.workflowInputProperties.processingUriThe URL of the CFI module.
workflow.workflowInputProperties.proxyAddressIf proxy is enabled, use the specified host/port as the proxy.


Information that results from the execution of the workflow.



Absolute path of the destination asset (that is, including the filename) once the transfer is completed.

It must not be updated except for admin purpose.



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