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PES integration

Integration with the PES system and its overall architecture is similar to the existing OPF2 setup but with some minor differences described here. For details of the OPF2 implementation, see Irdeto PES scrambler integration.

In OPF3, the Content Workflow Manager (CWM) communicates with the PES system using TCP. An adapter WFM2PES, is used to convert the Nagra VOD encoder control interface of the CWM to the PES interface specification.


The encoding process in PES requires the following commands to be sent to PES:


The newAsset request takes the following parameters:

URLA valid FTP URLThe FTP location URL from which the PES must get the asset file
FilenameA valid filenameThe name of the asset (used as filename). A valid file name should less than 255 characters
TypeASCII stringFile Format Type of asset. This field range are: (ASCII character 34), & (ASCII character 38), < (ASCII character 60). Cannot be empty or “.” (dot).

The responses are as follows:

CommandnewAssetEEcho of the command element
0 = Success
-1 = DTD Violation
1 = Processing Error


The scrambleAsset request takes the following parameters:

NameName of an asset in the todolistThe name of the asset (used as filename)
For simulcrypt, handles the multiple vendor id. The format of the strings as per the example; different vendor id separated with semicolon.

Holds the Access Criteria in hexstring format for the relevant asset. The PES performs a hexstring to binary conversion to communicate this value to the ECMG. The ACSET is generated based on:

  • In CMS4, the productTag value is derived by comparing the securityId of related VOD content items and products. However, securityInfo is not supported in CMS5, so the default value configured in the encoding profile is used instead.
  • Ext_Event_Id is the metadata on securityInfo object linked to the content.
  • retentionDuration is the metadata on securityInfo object linked to content.

The complex logic generating the ACSET can be referred from class generateAcSet() method from CMS4.

DELETEYes or NOSpecifies whether to delete the clear asset after scrambling is complete (optional).
DestinationURLAny valid FTP URLSpecifies whether to FTP Put the scrambled asset onto the VOD server after scrambling is complete. Required for the PES to send the Asset to the Origin server via FTP.

The responses are as follows:

CommandnewAssetEEcho of the command element
0 = Success
-1 = DTD Violation
1 = Processing Error
URLAn ftp URL (ftp://xxx/yyy)URL of format-specific scrambled or re-scrambled asset file.


This command returns the list of currently processing assets with their status and possibly progress, using the Result sub-elements ToDolistItem and ReEncryptToDolistItem. Only assets whose name matches the regular expression are returned. An empty regular expression returns the complete list.

#PCDATAReg ExRegular Expression

The responses are as follows:

CommandgetToDolistEcho of the command element name
0 = Success
-1 = DTD Violation
1 = Processing Error
AssetNameName of an asset in the todolistThe name of the asset
Status of the asset. RETRY means something went wrong in scrambling process, so PES requests issue/retry for the scrambleAsset command.
Progress0% to 100% or absentThe scrambling progress

PES also sends notifications about the asset status changes or scrambling progress, could be success/error notifications.


  • The PES typically notifies the CMS on state changes such as SCRAMBLING to SCRAMBLED, or for a progress update.
  • A notification may be sent if the result sent synchronously for requests (newAsset, scrambleAsset and getToDoList) is followed by a state change in PES, DTD violation or other error.
  • The PES cannot send notifications after the connection is closed from CMS side.
  • There are no configuration enable/disable notifications in PES.
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