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Adding content on a rail

Select the template, and in the required rail:

  • To add content to a new rail, click the ADD CONTENT... button.
  • To add content to an existing rail, click MANAGE CONTENT .
  • You can add additional properties by clicking Add additional properties and entering your custom Key/Value pairs.


To add content to the rail:

  1. Select the Content tab.
  2. Click the Add  icon for the required item(s). You can drill down or search for items in the usual way.
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.


To add groups, to the rail:

  1. Select the Groups tab.
  2. Click the Add  icon for the required item(s).
  3. Select the maximum number of items from the selected group to be returned on the rail. 
  4. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.


To add recommendations to the rail:

  1. Select the Recommendations tab.
  2. Click the Add  icon for the required item(s).
  3. Select the type of recommendations to be made and the maximum number of recommendations to be returned on the rail.
  4. Optionally, to select a content item to seed a recommendation context; select the Content Type and click ADD CONTENT.
    • Click the Add  icon for the required content type and click the ADD button. 
    • For Deeplink content type, enter the link in the field.
  5. To add any filters click ADD FIELD, select the Field and enter the required filter.  
  6. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.


To add nodes to the rail:

  1. Select the Nodes tab.
  2. Click the Add  icon for the required item(s).
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.

You can limit the number of items returned from a node on the rail:

  1. Click Edit Properties for the required node.
  2. On the Edit Properties page, click the Limit Node Items toggle switch to ON.
  3. Select the number of node items required and click the OK button.

Live events

To add Live events to the rail.

  1. Select the Live Events tab and click the Add  icon for the required item(s).
  2. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.


To add channels to the rail:

  1. Select the Channels tab.
  2. Click the Add  icon for the required item(s).
  3. Click Edit Properties, select the number of events to be displayed or the channel and click the OK button
  4. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Personalised content

To add personalised content to a rail:

  1. Select the Personalised tab.
  2. Click the Add  icon for the required item(s) and referring to the table below, enter the necessary details. 
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.
Continue Watching Display items that users have started watching on the rail.
Number of ItemsSelect the maximum number of Continue Watching items to be returned on the rail. 
My ListDisplay users' favourite items on the rail.
Number of ItemsSelect the maximum number of My List items to be returned on the rail. 
Network RecordingsDisplay users' own network recordings on the rail.
Number of ItemsSelect the maximum number of Network Recordings items to be returned on the rail. 
Recently WatchedDisplay items that users have recently watched on the rail.


To add a custom section driven by additional properties:

  1. Select the Custom tab
  2. .Click the Add  icon.
  3. In the new item in the right-panel, click Edit Properties.
  4. Enter a Name and select the number of items to be included in the rail.
  5. Click ADD PROPERTY, specify the additional properties for the content and click the OK button.
  6. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Pre-curated content

To add pre-curated content to a rail:

  1. Select the Pre-Curated tab.
  2. Referring to the table below, enter the necessary details and click the Add  icon.
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button, and on the confirmation screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button.
External ProvidersSelect the external provider for the pre-curated content; see External providers.
Content ListSelect the list for the content; see External providers.
Number of ItemsSelect the maximum number of pre-curated items to be returned on the rail.
Select an Action TypeSelect the default client action for each content item.
Image TypeSelect the image type for each content item.
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