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Update a quota profile


To update a quota profile, send a PUT request to:



  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

  • quotaprofilename – the name of the quota profile to be updated

Other arguments

  • name – the new name of the quota profile
  • quota – the new size of the quota in seconds
  • status  ENABLED or DISABLED
  • retentionPeriod – the retention period applied to the recordings made by accounts to which the profile applies. This is in ISO8601 format (for example, P60D for 60 days). autoDelete must be true for this to have any effect.
  • autoDelete – enables/disables automatic deletion (true or false)
  • autoDeleteOptions – options for automatic deletion (autoDelete must be true for these to have any effect):
    • isBasedOnAge – enables/disables automatic deletion based on recording age (true or false)
    • isBasedOnNumberOfEpisodes – enables/disables automatic deletion of the oldest episodes in series (true or false)
If you rename a quota profile, any accounts that are associated with it will be unable to request any new recordings.


A PUT request with this payload updates the specified quota profile so that it is disabled:

  "status": "DISABLED"


A successful request returns an HTTP 204 status.
A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

See also

For full details of this API, see the User Recordings API documentation.

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