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Report watch events


Client applications must report user watch events to the User Activity Vault (UAV). An app can log various types of user activity to UAV, such as:

  • User starts watching content
  • User stops (abandons) watching content
  • User watches a trailer
  • User makes a recording request

But the app must report the watch event. If it fails to do this:

  • The master billing report will not work.
  • Custom reports will not work.
  • Additional analytics capabilities will not work.


To report a user watch event, send a POST request to:



  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorisation

Mandatory fields

  • accountID – the account ID
  • name – must be WATCH
  • deviceId – the device ID
  • key – the ID of the content being watched
  • metadata block containing:
    • contentType – the type of content. Allowed values are:
      • live-event – watch live content (not STCU)
      • live-stcu-event – watch STCU live content
      • vod-ed – watch VOD content 
The name, deviceId, and contentType fields are optional (in that the request will not fail if they are missing), but for correct reporting, they must be included.


A request with this payload records a "start watching" event:

    "accountId": "5bed0636b780750001650aca",
    "name": "WATCH",
    "key": "60048_20190616110000",
    "metadata": {
        "contentType": "live-stcu-event"


A successful request returns an HTTP 202 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request returns an HTTP 401 status.

See also

For full details of this API, see User Activity Vault (UAV) API documentation.

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