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Recommendations Façade


OpenTV Platform 3.x ensures that you can provide personalised recommendations to users through the provision of the Recommendations Façade. This is an abstraction layer with a set of recommendation-engine specific adapters, providing integration points (API) for operators to connect their clients to their recommendation engine of choice, using a standard response structure.


  • Recommendations Façade incorporates an adapter for each supported recommendation engine, to provide translation of client requests/responses to/from the third party recommendation engine API;
  • Recommendations Façade is configured at deployment to use only one of its adapters; 
  • As each recommendation engine is unique, it cannot be guaranteed that behaviour will be completely uniform between different adapters. Some functionality will not be available and clients may need to modify their use of the Recommendations Façade API should they switch to a different recommendation engine;
  • Responses from Recommendations Façade will consist of data type and appropriate ID's. These ID's can then be used to access the full metadata from the relevant source (generally MDS, but potentially third party systems in future).

Supported use cases and additional information

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