Rating content
The OpenTV Platform enables users to rate content. Rating a content results in several actions:
- It is stored by the platform so that the user's rating can be shown in future.
- The platform can use it to derive an average rating of that content, which can also be shown to users.
- An integrated recommendation engine can use it to improve the user's recommendations.
- It can be reported to the service provider.
The platform is agnostic to the rating system. It supports any numerical value (e.g. out of 5, 10, 100), but it is expected that all clients of a service provider provide values that use the same rating system.
Clients use the Content Discovery Gateway (CDG) APIs to submit ratings and the User Activity Vault (UAV) APIs to retrieve ratings.
User functionality
Rating data is submitted to and retrieved via the Content Discovery Gateway (CDG); however, the CDG acts as a proxy to the User Activity Vault (UAV), where the rating data is persisted and managed.
Users can: