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API Syntax 101

The query syntax for metadata server follows a client directed query methodology, whereby the consumer of the API provides a detailed specification of the query it wants to execute rather than adhering to a very strict REST template. This provides flexibility to the client but puts a lot of responsibility on the client developer to write efficient queries.

Query document

MDS uses the idea of a query document to specify queries, rather than a more traditional key-value filter or DQL (e.g. SQL) format. The query documents are JSON format and are provided in the filter parameter of an API request.


Simple equality is expressed through query-by-example semantics; for example, to get the object with id "1234-5678":

?filter={"id": "1234-5678"}

Sub-object reference

If the API being queried supports sub-objects, you can reference the fields of the sub-object using simple dot notation:

?filter={"": "1234-5678"}

Conjunction (AND)

A comma-list of conditions is naturally joined as an AND:

?filter={"": "1234", "": "5678"}

For much more complex queries, you can explicitly write this with an $and:

?filter={"$and": [{"": "1234"}, {"": "5678"}]}

Disjunction (OR)

Similar to $and:

?filter={"$or": [{"": "1234"}, {"": "5678"}]}

Negation (NOT)

To apply an inverse condition:

?filter={$ne": {"": "1234-5678"}}


Greater than ($gt), less than ($lt), greater than or equal to ($gte), and less than or equal to ($lte), can be applied as follows:

?filter={"period.start": {"$gte": 1000, "$lt": 2000}}


Allows you to match on a set of values:

?filter={"": {"$in": ["1234", "5678"]}


Returns if a field exists (or not):

?filter={"": {"$exists": true}}
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