Account and device data
The client UI application usually needs to retrieve account and device data to display information to the end user(s), and using the data to populate other API requests. For example, there may be a requirement to display the account number somewhere in the UI, and other services will often need the account ID as input. Note that account ID and device ID should be available in the authentication response.
Data models
An account includes information about a customer account. Apart from the ID/number, a client should not need any specific account data to function, as most of the parameters are only relevant to CRM systems. The account ID should be available in the authentication response.
A device contains information about a client device. The fields populated will vary depending on the type of device (managed or open device), and the solution architecture requirements. The device ID should be available in the authentication response.
Use cases
Application initialisation
Once authentication is complete, it is usually necessary to retrieve some additional information about the device and its user and account: