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Platform workflow

OpenTV Video Platform supports media content management, orchestrating the ingest, preparation, and publishing of the assets and metadata required to operate a live and on-demand service.

OpenTV Video Platform orchestrates the ingestion, transcoding, and packaging of the content using a range of encoders and packagers including Harmonic, Elemental/AWS, Broadpeak, and Ateme. It has APIs designed to facilitate easy integration with additional vendors. OpenTV Video Platform supports managing metadata, images, captions, and videos for the content item and tracking them through the publishing process.

OpenTV Video Platform workflow is monitored via the Operator Console, which allows viewing of status, reviewing of failures, and editing of data, as required by the operator. The system is optimised to allow entirely automated content publishing operations but also permits manual intervention when required.

OpenTV Video Platform optionally is integrated with Gracenote’s metadata services and can ingest their live metadata providing high-quality metadata and images.

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