To test this feature and view the example code, please see the Apple (FPS) SDK 5 Example Code Quick Start guide.
Yospace is a server-side ad insertion (SSAI) service that includes a Yospace Server at the head-end (controlling a SpotX ad server). To simplify the operations and the ad insertion, Yospace provides an iOS client to communicate between the Yospace head-end on one side and the application and its player on the other. The Yospace client consists of libraries (fetched directly from Yospace) and Objective-C classes (slightly modified to work with the CONNECT SDK to show how the player integrates into Yospace example codes).
The yospace example code demonstrates how an application can be set up with the CONNECT Player SDK 5 as its player utilising the Yospace client and server. The implementation is based on the Yospace example code, and only minor alterations have been applied to show how iOS FPS SDK slots in.
To view the most up to date Yospace APIs, please use the following link and log in with your Yospace credentials. https://developer.yospace.com/login.php
OPYSDKFPS integration into Yospace example code changes
@import OPYSDKFPSTv;
@import OPYSDKFPS;
- (_Nonnull id) initWithStreamSource:(NSURL* _Nonnull)source
if (self = [super init])
self.audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
self.muted = [self.audioSession outputVolume] ? NO : YES;
_videoPlayerItem = [OTVAVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL:source];
[self addPlayerItemObservers];
self.videoPlayer = [OTVAVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:self.videoPlayerItem];
self.metadataAdapter = [[YOMetadataAdapter alloc] initWithPlayer:_videoPlayer];
self.metadataAdapter.verboseLoggingDisabled = YES;
return self;